Chapter 23

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I opened my eyes and what I saw all around me was death. People brutally murdered by God knows what. I looked around and noticed we were in an ally way.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I think we are in Taejon." Sophia answered looking at a sign board.

"Taejon. But we've always been sent to Pusan. What's going on." Lee asked worriedly.

"Am not sure. But I think it has something to do with that man we saw in Limbo."

They were all discussing about the newly discovered issue and did not notice a lady like creature, walking quickly but staggering towards them.
By the time they noticed the lady, she was already a few feet from them. Then Jerry appeared and shot her from behind. She slowed her steps as she got closer then her head blew up instantly.

"Maybe a little warning next time." Sophia said wiping blood from her face.

"Then there would be no joy in that, would there?" He replied.


"So how long have you guys been in here, it must have been a long time since you guys no more about this stuff." I asked as we strolled down the empty street.

"Well, I was here before Sophia here, but I was hopeless. Scared of doing anything. Truth is, I didn't even know what to do. Almost got myself killed, then I got transferred to Pusan." Lee was explaining.

"That's where you guys met." I interrupted.

"Yes, but only after a few months. There was another there though, who had been there far longer than anyone else." He said.

"But what's the point to all of this. I mean can't the military just handle this... things." I said.

"They were born of the world's power. It's only fitting that the world gets to decide how it should go" Sophia said without turning to look at me, then continued walking.

"I don't understand. What do you mean born of the world's power." Sophia just kept walking and ignoring his call.

"Give her some space shin, she has been through a lot in this hell and all of this death." Lee's hand was on Shin's shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Death. That's right, you said you had all died once, then you were brought here."


"How did it happen. The deaths." I asked.

"Well, mine was a bit expected, there were these thugs who called themselves 'The Law', always causing trouble in an attempt to make justice happen. One of them broke into my compound and was looking for my niece - she 18 now -, he was going to sleep with her and I wouldn't stand by and do nothing." Pause. "He had a gun."

"Am sorry." Pause. "That must have been hard for you."

" was. Listen Shin, Sophia doesn't seem to care at all but she does. This place just has a way of getting to someone, you know. Seeing all the death,'s terrible."

"How did she die?"

"She didn't say. There was only one person she talked to all the while she was here. Her name was Sarah. She died defeating a boss, and Sophia.....well, hasn't been Sophia since then."

Suddenly, an alarm went off from an equipments attached to Lee's hand. And it just kept on spiking, targets were being shown all of a sudden on their radar. It was too late to run, to late escape, to late to fight without getting killed. They were surrounded.


They had fought of a few and couldn't fight any longer if they wanted to remain alive, so they ran.

The first sight of an escape they got, sent them running. Turning around one after the other to shoot at the creatures in pursuit.

Suddenly there was one in front of them, totally hideous. It seemed to be just a head, a really big head, that was just rolling around.

It got in front of Shin, and he was just frozen in place, obviously taking back by the fact that it was just a head. Then it stopped rolling and big green eyes starred into Shin's own, noises were also coming out from what looked like his mouth.

Unable to do anything, a shot was fired from behind the creature. This got its attention and it was drawn to whatever shot at it.

Then two guys appeared, on a bike. One in the driver's seat, and the other crouching on the passenger seat. Before the creature could do anything, the man at the passenger seat jumped from where he was and landed in front of the creature.

The creature stopped moving and the noises it was making reduced until there was no longer any noise.

He came into view from behind the creature. He was dressed in black also. The same tech and the same clothing, only he wasn't carrying a gun but a sword. The other guy on the bike to was also dressed in black.

A few others appeared in view carrying different weapons.

"They are others!" Shin said

"Yes." Lee replied standing next to him.

"You are from the Taejon group." Sophia said, her words slow and heavy as she tried to regain her breath from previously running.

"Oh. There is a girl here? I don't think I've seen chick in forever." One of the Taejon members said. And they all laughed.

Shin noticed one of them had a missing hand. And he shivered.

Lee noticed were he was looking at and said. "Their limbs are restored to them once the game is over."


"Yes. All this is a game. At least not for us, we are the once who get to die."

Shin starred at him, begging him to continue his explanation on how the hell I ended up in a game.

"We are awarded points for every kill we make. If we are able to make a 100 points then we would be given three options. 1.) To acquire any weapon of our choice. 2.) To raise back to life a fallen player. And 3.) To get our memories of this place wiped and we return to the real world."

"Really!" Shin said which the Taejon members laughed at.

"Another newbie." The man holding the blade said. "Well, you all should stay out of our way and let us handle this." He said and they all went after the creatures, clearly them as they passed.

"It's better to let the Taejon group handle this, they are quite strong and they also have the numbers." Lee said.

They both watched as the Taejon members fought of the creatures. Then something got Shin's attention.

He noticed some of the creatures attacking surviving citizens and the Taejon members were doing nothing about it.

"Hey, are they not meant to be protecting the civilians?"

"Yes we are. But we protect them by taking out the main boss. That way..."

"That's wrong." Shin said interrupting Lee. His voice higher than usual. "We are here because of them."

"Hey why not shut up and listen huh? The old man said we help them by taking out the main boss." Jerry spoke out

"That doesn't mean it isn't wrong."


"Like I said, he will slow us down." Then he vanished.

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