First Dates

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Warnings: fluff,

Word Count: 327

Jared nervously knocked on Evan's front door and rocked back and forth on the heels of his feet as he impatiently waited. Evan came out a few minutes later and smiled softly as he saw Jared.

"H-Hey Jared!" Evan spoke warmly with a grin.

Jared fidgeted, "Hey Ev," he cleared his throat, "Listen..."

Evan's smile dropped as he thought the worst.

"Would you, maybe, wanna go on a.. like.. date?"

Evan blushed bright pink and stood there, thinking about his answer.


Jared was a bit taken aback and his eyes widened in shock, "Wait r-really?" Evan nodded and hugged him tightly. Jared blushed and hugged back.

"I've been waiting for forever for you to ask me that. That and to ask me out." Evan admitted.

"O-Oh right.. would you-" "Yes!" Evan quickly responded before he could finish his sentence. "Oh um... lovely." Jared smiled awkwardly.

"So... about that date.." Evan smiled wide, "Yes? What did you have planned?"

"I was thinking... maybe going to the orchard and laying out in the grass, looking at the stars?" Evan giggled and nodded. "That's beautiful. Just like you."

Jared instantly become more flustered, "O-Oh.. same to you. You're very beautiful."

Evan blushed more and giggled, "Thanks babe. Now come ooooooooonnnnnnn." Evan dragged him to the orchard and they both laid in the grass.

"The stars are beautiful." Evan spoke and pointed out, glaring happily up at the night sky.

"Just like you, baby." Jared muttered but loud enough for Evan to hear.

Evan flushed red, facing him. Evan's eyes glanced up to Jared's eyes, then to his lips, then back up to his eyes. Jared got the hint and placed his hand on Evan's cheek. They both leaned in and their lips met. The kiss was sweet and passionate.

After they pulled away, they both looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Evan." Jared smiled.

"I love you too."

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