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Warnings: fluff

Word Count: 624

  Jared sat on the couch, watching some random Avengers movie, not finding anything else interesting on tv so that's what he decided to go with. The boy jumped ever-so-slightly as he heard a knock on the door, tossing the blanket aside and getting up to open it. Though, he did have on only boxers and a Iron Man t-shirt on, he decided to answer the door despite his attire.

  As the mahogany door opened, a tall dirty blonde haired boy approached closer, wobbling back on my foot to the other anxiously. "Oh thank fuck it's you, babe." Jared exclaimed, relieved. Evan lit up in a big grin, then became flustered as he noticed Jared's absence of pants.

  Jared moved out of the way to allow Evan to step inside. Evan carefully took off his sneakers and jacket by the doorway, placing his jacket on the hook and his shoes on the 'shoe shack'. "You wanna watch this movie with me? It's already half-way over, but-" Evan cut him off, "Y-Yeah, sure." Evan plopped on the couch, wrapping a blanket around himself.

  "Cold, huh?" Jared grinned. Evan nodded, shivering. "I-It's Autumn. I-I'm freezing m-my buns off." Evan spoke, his teeth chattering quite loudly, causing a ringing in his ears. "You want me to make you some cocoa?" Jared offered. Evan hesitantly nodded with a small grin of appreciation. "Th-Thank you, babe." Jared nodded and smiled, "It's no problem."

  "Marshmallows or no?" Jared called, putting a mug under the machine and putting a pod in it. "Um.. J-Just marshmallows. N-Nothing else, thank you." Jared nodded to himself and waited until the hot chocolate was done and popped a couple of marshmallows in the dark sizzling  brown cup of warm liquid before heading back to the couch to see a blanket engulfed Evan on the couch, watching the movie intently with big blue eyes.

  Jared coughed softly to draw Evan's attention, causing the latter to look up at him with a smile. "H-Hello." Evan said with a big goofy grin. Jared snickered softly at the cute boy and handed him the mug, Evan instantly taking a big sip. "Evan, be careful! It's hot!" Jared warned quickly. Evan grimaced and whined softly at the burning pain on his lips then smiled, "S'ok. I-I'm alrighty." Evan giggled softly.

  Jared gazed around and pulled down another blanket and wrapped himself up in it to keep warm, too lazy to go make another cup of cocoa and too scared to ask Evan to cuddle, despite the fact he was his boyfriend. "H-Hey, Jare?" Evan spoked up after a, comfortable for Evan and slightly uncomfortable for Jared, silence. "Yes, love?" Jared questioned, his eyes glued to the screen.

  "Would i-it be ok if we c-c-cuddled? I know I sh-shouldn't be worried to ask, but I'm still quite cold." Evan asked, putting his cup down on a coaster on the coffee table. Jared smiled, mentally thanking Evan for asking so he didn't have to. "Yeah, of course."

  Jared scooted over and rested his head on Evan's frail chest, allowing Evan to wrap his thin arms around his torso. "Th-This ok?" Evan questioned, concerned that he wasn't cuddling right. Jared smiled and nodded, "It's good." Jared removed his glasses and placed them on the coffee table, nuzzling more into Evan's tummy, causing Evan's face to light up bright red.

  After the credits rolled in on the television, Evan came to release Jared's light and soft snoring. Evan grinned softly and pet Jared's soft brown hair, his eyes soon growing heavy and quickly closing, falling asleep on the couch as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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