Ferris Wheel

681 19 29

Warnings: Fluff, Swearing, Gayness

Word Count: 462

Today was Evan and Jared's first date and they had both agreed to go to the amusement park that had just recently opened in town for the summer. Both boys absolutely loved when it came to town; It was an annual yearly thing for their city.

The lines were crowded as was traffic, making it harder for the two to get there on the arranged time set.

Now Evan had always been the one to show up to anything ten minutes early.

Jared was a different story.

Jared had always been late to everything he did. Class. Events. Parties, though he'd never get invited. Hell, he would've been late for his own birth if it were possible!

Once they had gotten there after beating the traffic, they both met at the ice cream stand.

"H-Hey, Jared," Evan spoke with a shy smile, "Do you wanna... Get some food first or-?"

Jared let out a short, low chuckle, "Nah. If we ate and got on roller coasters and shit right after, we'd blow chunks."

Evan couldn't help but emerge in quiet giggles. He couldn't help it. He loved Jared. The boy always found Jared's sense of humor adorable, though he sometimes tried to dismiss it.

Jared's face lit up in a big grin when he heard Evan's soft laughter. Jared thought, and though Evan always disagreed, that his laugh was the most beautiful noise in existence. That and his voice.

Jared smiled, "Oh dear, my love," he sang, "Look at your eeeeeyess tonight~"

Evan blushed bright red, "J-Jared." he hid his face in his turtleneck.

"Also, damn, look at that aaaasssss." Jared placed his hand on Evan's bum and gave it a light smack, causing Evan to squeak.

"J-JARED ALEXANDER!" he blushed heavily.

"Awwh come on. I'm just having a bit of fun." Jared winked. Evan gulped. "Well damn."

Jared gasped. "The small said a swear!" he yelled and raced around the entire amusement park. Evan giggled. "What a dork." he followed and grabbed his arm. "Stop acting like a fool, small ass." Evan giggled.

Jared looked at him. "You are saying swear words. I am ashamed."

Then they got to the Ferris wheel. "Um.. Evan?" Jared said as they got on the ride. "Yes, Jare?" Jared started fiddling with his fingers. "I.. Um.. Kinda.. Have a.. Fear of heights." Jared said nervously. Evan nodded and smiled, holding his hand and kissing it. "I'm right here. There's nothing to be afraid of when you're with me, baby." Evan said in a hushed voice. Jared nodded and felt a weight lift off his chest. "Thank you."

The pair's seat got to the top and they both shared a sweet kiss and an 'i love you'.

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