Buddy added Matt to Fuck Cheese
Matt: it's me, YA BOI
Pidge: stfu you meme
Matt: How. Dare. You. Talk. To. Me. Like. That.
Pidge: stfu
Keith: what are y'all doing
Pidge: home work
Soft Cookie: I'm taking a bubble bath listening to the soundtrack to the Heathers
Buddy: I'm with Allura at her fuckin private beach
Matt: Allura trying to get you
Buddy: I have a crush on someone already
Pidge: where is Lance, why is he not responding?
Buddy: Keith what happened to Lance?
Keith: I don't want to talk about it
Pidge: fine...
Pidge: tell me or I'll come to your house and eat your food
Keith: fuckin fine
Keith kicked Sharp Shooter from Fuck Cheese
Keith: ok I do have a crush on Lance...
Keith: today we went to the park and I went across the street to Subway to get some sandwiches for us
Keith: I came back to find some bitch that sat on the bench with Lance, she was laughing and the two where flirting and blushing
Matt: she's a bitch on a bench, she's a binch
Pidge: not now idiot
Keith: I went over to the two to give Lance his sandwich, when Lance saw me he looked like he had been laughing for a while
Keith: I asked him if he was ready to go he said yes and he BROUGHT THE BITCH WITH HIM TO MY FUCKING CAR
Pidge: doesn't explain Lance not responding
Keith: this bitch had been on his phone all day, they have been at my house for the past few hours
Buddy: describe the bitch
Keith: long ass pigtails, blonde, blue eyes, hourglass figure, rounded face structure, 110% bitch
Matt: name?
Keith: Norma, nyorine, niema?
Keith: oh yeah it's Nyma
Soft Cookie: oh she's in a few of my classes with me, she corrects the teacher, always has a comeback, she punched a kid for calling her a alien bc she from Canada
Keith added Sharp Shooter to Fuck Cheese
Sharp Shooter: hi
Pidge: hey honey
Pidge: Matt is wheezing in the room next to me
Sharp Shooter: you aren't answering me
Pidge: bitch we know you weren't Lance because he is to much of a meme to start off with "hi"
Sharp Shooter: wow so rude to call someone a bitch!
Pidge: oh I'm so sorry let me correct myself
Pidge: cunt we know you weren't Lance because he is to much of a meme to start off with "hi"
Keith: now she is bickering to Lance about how rude his friends are
Sharp Shooter: guys are you serious calling my new girlfriend a bitch and a cunt?
Shiro: you've known her for at least 7 hours
Sharp Shooter: but she is so amazing!
Keith has kicked Sharp Shooter from Fuck Cheese
Keith: I'm taking a break from Lance for a while...