Keith has logged in
Keith: whatever you guys did thank you
Pidge: bich u welcom
Soft Cookie: it 4sm stfu I'm tryna get my beauty sleep
Soft Cookie: 4am*
Buddy: even Pidge can't type rn
Keith: but seriously... tanks
Matt: why do u talk about this now?
Pidge: Lance is passed out @ keef's house because they where 'studying'
Keith: we where studying...
Sharp Shooter: plus I'm going to take this relationship to the lustful side like next week
Keith: STFU
Sharp Shooter: boi guess who just woke up...
Keith: how come you wake up when I leave?
Sharp Shooter: I'm making food in ur kitchen
Sharp Shooter changed his name to Daddy
Keith: ughhh I hate how much I love you Lance
Daddy: keep talken like that and I'll bang you tomorrow boi
Pidge: oh fuk boi