A/n I'm probably gonna end up romanticizing depression/mental disorders, so sorry in advance. This is going to be based on my experience with depression, so if disagree with anything, deal with. Life ain't always about you. Jk, kinda. Read with caution. Please listen to the song. See you at the end, bye.
Virgil's Pov
Ooh, Thomas is going to order some pizza. Time to work my magic.
"Go away Anxiety" Roman said, "you're not needed, you're never needed"
"Wow, harsh much" I say, using rudeness to hide my need to cry, "I'll leave"
He's right anxiety
No, i'm useful
You mean useless
When was the last time I was useful?
Why do they put up with me?
They have to
All I do is ruin their lives
That's why they hate you, no one loves youI deserve everything they do
No, you deserve nothing
I open my bedroom door, no one but me has seen it. Well, one other person has, its not important. I head to my bed
Uh, uh, uh
Not your bed, you know what to do
I redirect myself to the bathroom
Finally, you did something right
I open the box from under my sink. Inside are multiple, small silver blades from broken razors
Do you know what you did wrong?
Yeah, everything
That's a start and don't forget to count
One cut
I'm a nightmare
Two cuts
I just ruin his life
Three cuts
. . .
I can't remember the last time I did something right
Ten cuts
Okay, that's enough for now
I go to get the bandages are my left arm is bright red. Not crimson, cuts after a day or two are crimson. I would know, I've seen them at every stage. Soon, I finish wrapping up my arm. I'm used to it, I do it almost everyday. I deserve it. Well actually, I deserve nothing, but this is close enough. I have to leave. He'll be mad if I stay to long.
"Why do you this to me, dee?"
"Because its what you need"
"You're always right"
"I know, now come lie down"
"Stay, please"
"Okay, you've been better today"
Knock, Knock, Knock. "Verge, can I come in?"
"Say yes or I'll leave"
"Yeah, I guess" Dee can't leave, I need someone
"Oh, god" Roman yells. I forgot about my arm. Dee couldn't have. Did he want this? Roman just runs out of the room.
"So they could see how messed up you are, freak" I know he's serious, he only calls me freak when he's serious.
"Do you love me?"
"Oh verge, love yourself so no one has to"
"They're better off without you, so love yourself so no one has to"
"Ironic coming from you"
"I'm doing my job, but I care about you too"
"I love you, Dee" He kisses me. "I love you, Verge"
Soon enough, the others come running in. I forgot about them. I just wanted to be with Dee.
"Oh no, what did you do Kiddo?" Patton says looking at my arm. I forgot to roll down my left sleeve. I was too busy talking with Dee,
"You bandaged it up quite well" Logan says, putting the first aid kit down, "How often do you so this?"
"Almost everyday, if you cared enough, you would know" Dee says before I can. He cares enough.
"Who are you?" Roman says, hand on his sword. I forgot he was a knight. I have to protect Dee.
"Don't come near him" I say, jumping in front of Dee. He puts his arms around me and pulls me closer.
"It's okay verge, they can't hurt me without hurting you and I don't think they want to hurt you, you've already hurt enough today"
"Verge? What is going?" They say, more confused than ever
"Oh, you don't know his name"
"Who are you"
"Oh, me? You don't need to worry" And with that, I kicked them out.
"Sorry about that, Dee"
"It's okay, let's go cuddle"
Aww, they're so cute. I love Dee and Anx together so much. No worry, it's still prinxiety. On another (g)note (dad joke alert), let's talk about the song. Song, note, get it? Also, i'm only kinda sorry my fellow killjoys. This song is one of my favorite songs by All Time Low. Alex Gaskarth has a great voice. Well anyways, Thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.-SoftxRacoon

If you love me, let me in (Prinxiety)
FanfictionSometimes you need someone to love you before you can love yourself Inspired by: myself, i guess Trigger Warning: this story contains self harm and depression/ depression related topics