chapter 1

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I Could feel it tommorw was the day I had been waiting for ever since I heard all the stories and tails . This was it, it would happen tomorrow.

" Pasliey get your 17 year old ass of of that gods damed bed your going to be late on your birthday!!!" I instantly knew who was yelling at me from the kitchen, her laughing had given it away, totaly not the fact that I had been listing to my mothers voice for 17 years exactly now. I sluged out of bed looking at the time and sighing 6:05 am the stupid clock read , I had new she was pulling a prank after I had sighed and heard her giggling. I pulled my kinda dirty ACDC tee shirt over my head and pulled my clen white jeans up my skinny legs and chucked my books in my bag before slideing my faded black high top converses on and started walkng down the stairs. I stopped in the bath room to put on a light layer of mke up to make my large green emrald eyes pop and a layer of lip balm on my lushious lips before looking at my long perfictly natural curly beach blond hair and and sruging my small sholders and headding to the kitchen were I could smell my fathers perfect bluberry pancakes "moring my baby princess" my dad smiled as he knew I hated that nick name but we made a deal so it was okay " rember I got you that 1965 black convertable and im paying for gas as long as you let me call you my baby princess " my dad smerked as he knew he had won " thanks for the pancakes dad but ill pass as im reallly nerveious for today" I blurted he paused and looked confused then understood and nodded, as soon as my mom had enterd the room she chuckled and said " you're up early bithday girl" and planted a love and pride fulled kiss on the top off my head. she looked at the big dramatic clock on the wall and broke the small silence when she said " you will be fine I know he's waiting some where in that school of yours, now you best be off and well see you later at the diner for dinner and feel free to bring that best friend of yours and you know who else I want there too missy!" and with that they both said goodbye and practly shoved me out the house, I ulocked my "Black Beauty" chucked my bag in the passanger seat and put down the roof so my hair could flow ind the wind for the 10 miniutes it takes me to get to school.

Hi guys I know this only has to do with two of the tags but bare with me as im getting there hope you like it ;)
— A xoxo gossip girl. Sorry I have a sense of humour

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