Chapter 7

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I knew why we had been getting closer the past few months.
I was brought out of my thoughts as I felt Tyler turn around an walk back to my car then turn and yell " I FOUND HER NOW SHES MINE, LATER DUDES SEE YOU TOMORROW" I tought to myself where are we going and what's going on " well princess we're going on a trip and I'm driving oh and I'm your mate" Tyler said out loud with a large smerk, he grabbed my keys out of my back pocket then placed me down sweetly on the hood of my fragile car," I know what your thinking you know the mind link and all Princess" he said wile leaning in for a kiss expecting me to lean in but grabbing the keys behind me and dangling them in his face " Yeah the mind link comes in handy" I smerked and pecked him on the cheak then got in the passenger seat. I felt sparks shoot up my arm as Tyler grabs it and puts it in the air and I jerked it back thinking the roof was up "its okay p, were almost there" he says as he grabs my hand and pumps it in the air while I admire the view of the beach as we drive along the coast beach road. we passed the beachy era into a very frosty biome, a few minutes later of eye fucking hand holding and laughing we pulled into a long foresty 'driveway' Tyler looked at me and said " you know I've been waiting to bring you here for a while, and I know that you have wanted to come but I have always made excuses, but now is perfect" he grabbed my hand and placed a light feathery kiss on it as we reached a clearing in the forest. you cloud see water untill the horision and a small home fit for a small family but I knew it only had one person living in it as Tylers paerints died 2 years ago fighting the same rouges that killed my only female friend ( the one in my dreams) a small tear rooled down my left cheack, I quickly wiped it before tyler could see but it was too late as I felt him picking me up ever so softly from my seat and wispering in my ear " its okay my princess were okay" then he started walking twards the light white home on the beach. " I love you Paisley " Tyler said while placing me down on the beach so I was lying on the extremely convenient picknick blanket before lying down himself. I rolled so I was facing him before straddling him, I lent into him before I spoke just to tease him " I don't have any togs and I wanna swim and run around" I pouted while giving him puppy dog eyes " wait here I've got something" he says running into the house. I was only teasing him so I laugh at him thinking he was going to get one of his shirts.


I had rummaged through the wardrobe that I haven't touched in many years and pulled out my mom's old bikini, I launch out of the house and run for a few seconds until I reached the line where the grass meets the sand and I looked up. I saw paisley pulling off her shirt causing her long hair to fall back down to her perfect perky but, she started to pull her jeans down to reveal a major scratch the looked as it was freshly healed. I continued to walk over to here ignoring that fact that my wolf is whispering " kiss her already. Mark her.  Complete the process" damm I wish I could Jace(Jace is my wolfs name). " I can feel you watching me and I know what your thinking. remember the mind link thing " she chuckled as she turned to me. I couldn't help it, I had to smirk " what is so funny Tyler!?" She squealed as she hit me playfully on the arm, instantly I let my wolf take over
"I can't help it" Tyler whispered as he grabbed my hand and ran towards the water dropping what looked like a bikini and a towel. As my feet hit the water I squealed as it was freezing, " what are you doing" I managed to say as I released we were both standing half-naked in the lake. " Mine" he whispered under his breath as he...

Sorry for the long wait had I have been not wanting to do anything for the bast few days. Side note I Finnish school tomorrow. Side note I love her and I'm happy about it *cough* gay *cough*

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