Photoshoot ( Vic Fuentes )

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You're reading a book while drinking your Black Forest Frappe when you heard a man voice in front of you. You looked at him he has a cap on his head, have a long hair and he is smiling at you, so you smile at him.

Y/N: Can I help you Mister ? ( You asked with a smile )

Man: Can I seat here ? ( He said with a smile )

Y/N: Sure ( You said with a smile )

Man: ( He seat across you ) What's your name ?

Y/N: My name is Y/N ( You said with a smile )

Man: Your name is so beautiful just like you ( He said and take a sip on his ice cold coffee )

Y/N: ( Your cheek turn into light red because of what he said ) Thanks so what is your name ?

Man: I'm Vic Fuentes ( He said with a smile )

Y/N: You have a nice name

Vic Fuentes: Thanks

You and Vic talked about anything you noticed that you and him have many commons. An hours pass you and him decided to go home.

Vic Fuentes: Nice to meet you again Y/N ( He said with a smile ) I enjoy talking to you

Y/N: Me too I enjoy talking to you ( You said with a smile )

Vic Fuentes: ( He smile ) I wish that we will see each other again

Y/N: Well I think we can see each other again because I'm always here in this coffee shop

Vic Fuentes: Really ? ( He said in amazed tone )

Y/N: ( You nod your head )

Vic Fuentes: If your always here I think I always buy a coffee here so I can always see you

Y/N: ( You chuckle ) Well I really need to go Vic

Vic Fuentes: Okay take care sweetie ( He said and wink at you )

You blushed because of what he did and just smile at him and leave the coffee shop.

Y/N's House

When you arrive in your house you go to your room and change your clothes after you change your clothes you seat in your bed. While you are browsing in your laptop your cellphone rings so you answer it.

Phone Conversation

Y/N: Hello

Boss: Hello Y/N tomorrow morning you need to come in our studio because were going to have a magazine photoshoot.

Y/N: Okay Can I know who is our client ?

Boss: They say that it was a rock band but I don't know what band is that

Y/N: Okay

End Of Conversation


You wake up early and ready your camera and all the things you need after that you go to the studio.


When you arrived on the studio your co-workers greet you and you greet them back.

Y/N: So Where are they ? ( You ask your co-worker while preparing your camera )

Co-Worker: They are in dressing room ( She said with a smile )

Y/N: ( You smiled at her and focus again in your camera )

After 15 minutes you heard a familiar voice when you heard that you looked at the direction where the voice coming from. You were surprise when you see Vic talking to his bandmates.

Vic looked at your direction and you notice that he was surprised to see you so he walk closer to you.

Vic Fuentes: Hey Y/N what are you doing here ? ( He said with a smile )

Y/N: Well I will be your photographer ( You said with a smile )

Vic Fuentes: Really ( He said in amazed tone )

Y/N: Yeah ( You said with a smile )

Your co-worker come close to the both of you and said that the photoshoot will going to start in 10 minutes so Vic go back to his bandmates and you go back on preparing your camera. After 10 minutes the photoshoot start.

After an hours the photoshoot finished. While you're seating in the chair and looking all the picture on your camera Vic walk close to you.

Y/N: ( You looked at him and smile ) Can I help you ?

Vic Fuentes: When we met in the coffee shop that is your first question to me ( He said and chuckle )

Y/N: ( You smile at him ) So you need something ?

Vic Fuentes: Yeah Can I get your number ? So we can talk to each other ( He said while scratching the back of his head )

Y/N: ( You smiled at him and get a piece of paper and write your cellphone number and you give the paper to him )

He took the paper on your hand and one of his bandmates called him.

Vic Fuentes: I need to go I will message you later

Y/N: Okay ( You said with smile )

He smiled back to you and go to his bandmates and then leave the studio.

After an hours you go home while you're walking your cellphone vibrates you stop walking and pick up your cellphone on your bag and read the message.


Hello Y/N this is Vic Can I invite you tomorrow in the park near the coffee shop where we first met 😃

You feel happy after reading his message after you save his number you reply at him.

Sure why not 😃

After you reply at him you put your cellphone back to your bag and walked again with a smile on your face.


Authors Note:

Hope you all guys like this imagine well I dedicate this to all Vic Fuentes Fan 😊

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