Te Amo ( Patrick Stump )

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You're at your room busy studying because tomorrow is your exam day and you really want to pass the exam. Your big brother Pete didn't do his promise that he will going to help you reviewing your studies because he have some important things to do and you understand him because he is famous and always have a busy day. Even if he is busy he still taking care of you and he also do his job as your big brother that's why you don't have a problem with his career.

You're done reviewing some subject except Spanish subject well you're not good in that subject because for you it's difficult to learn that language but still you do your best to pass that subject. While you're reading your notes in Spanish subject you heard a knock on your door.

Y/N: Come in

You said that without looking who entered your room. You notice that someone sit next to you in your bed and you thought that's only your big brother.

Y/N: How's your day?

Patrick Stump: Good

You quickly looked at the person who sitting next to you and your eyes wide open when you see that's Patrick. He smiles at you.

Y/N: Gosh I thought you're Pete ( You said with a smile )

He just chuckled after you said that and looked what you're reading.

Patrick Stump: I'm here because Pete asked me a favor to help you with your studies and he told me that your having a hard time with your Spanish subject and since I can speak Spanish I can help you with that

Y/N: Wow that's great ( You said in happy tone )

You have two reason why you feel so happy tonight first there's someone who's going to teach you second the one who's going to teach you is the man you really love. Patrick is so kind and nice to you that's why you fall in love with him but you know that he only see you as his friend.

Patrick Stump: Let's start now I'm going to teach you so you're going to pass your exam tomorrow

You nod as a response to him and he started to teach you. When it comes to studying you are always serious that's why even if you are so happy because Patrick teaching you right now you still focus yourself on what he's teaching you.

After a hours you can't believe that you passed on the quiz that Patrick gave so he can know that you learn something.

Patrick Stump: Wow I can't believe that you got a perfect score this means you can pass your exam for tomorrow

Y/N: Yeah and thanks to you because if you didn't teach me I guess I can't pass my exam tomorrow in this subject

Patrick chuckled because of what you said.

Patrick Stump: You don't need to thank me. I'm glad that I help you ( He said with a smile )

You smiled at him as your response. For you this is a memorable night because you have a confident to pass the exam and you're with Patrick tonight.

Patrick Stump: Now that you know how to speak Spanish a little bit, can you translate this in English

Y/N: Okay I will try

You said and hoping you can translate that in English perfectly.

Patrick Stump: Sé que no me creerás, pero te amo y quiero que seas mi niña. [ i know you won't believe me, but I love you and i want you to be my girl ]

You try to translate it and when you done translating that in English you can't say anything because you didn't expect that he will say that but you suddenly realize that's only a part of his teaching and there's no big meaning in that.

Patrick Stump: If you're thinking that's part of my teaching you're wrong because what I said is true I love you Y/N and I guess this is the right time to tell you my true feelings for you

After you heard what he said you want to jump in joy because you didn't expect that he also love you the way you love him.

Patrick Stump: puedes ser mi novia? [ Can you be my girlfriend? ]

Y/N: Sí [ Yes ] ( You replied him with a smile )

He smiles at you and move his face closer to your face. You close your eyes while your lips and his lips collide. Both of you shared a sweet kiss before he pulled away and rest his forehead on your forehead and looked at your eyes.

Patrick Stump: Te Amo Y/N [ I love you ] ( He said with a smile )

Y/N: Yo también te amo Patrick [ I love you too Patrick ]

You said with a smile and kiss his lips. Both of you heard a fake cough that's why both of you looked at the door and you saw Pete is standing there looking at You and Patrick.

Pete Wentz: I'm not mad on what I saw. Patrick please don't make my sister cry

Patrick Stump: You can count on me because you know how much I love her

Pete Wentz: I know I just want to remind you

After Pete said that he leave the both of you again. You and Patrick looked and smile at each other.

Y/N: I thought he will get mad but I'm glad he didn't

Patrick Stump: I agree with you

Both of you lay in the bed and you hug Patrick. You really didn't expect that your dream will became true because he is your boyfriend now and you think that you should thank that Spanish subject because of that you and him are together now.



Hope you all like this imagine. To be honest with you I really don't now how to speak Spanish so I just use Google Translate in those Spanish words I used in this imagine.

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