The Guy I Meet In The Mall ( Jinxx )

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While your walking at the mall and busy with your cellphone also not paying attention to the direction where your walking a man bump you, because of that your cellphone fell on the floor.

You quickly look at the man in front of you he has a long hair and have a eye liner in his eyes he is wearing a black jacket with a black t-shirts inside that jacket, black pants and combat shoes. For you he's outfit is cool and you love it, when he speak you bring back in reality.

Man: Sorry I bumped you because I'm not paying attention while I'm walking ( He apologise at you )

Y/N: It's okay because just like you I'm not paying attention also because I was busy messaging my friend

You're going to pick your cellphone but he suddenly pick it on the floor and handed it to you and you get it.

Man: Sorry because of me your cellphone got broken

Y/N: It's okay I guess I need to buy a new one ( You said with a smile )

Man: What If I will buy you a new one since it's my fault.

Y/N: You don't need to do that ... ( You stop because you don't know his name )

Man: ( He smile at you ) I'm Jeremy but you can call me Jinxx. Can I know your name ?

Y/N: I'm Y/N ( You smile at him )

Jinxx: Your name is cute. By the way I really want to buy you a new cellphone because of what happen earlier so please don't reject my offer

Y/N: Okay If you insist that I will not going to object

Jinxx: ( He smile at you )

You and Jinxx go to the cellphone store and just like he said to you he buy you a new one. After that the both of you walk around the mall while talking.

Y/N: Thanks for buying me a new cellphone

Jinxx: You don't need to thank me ( He said with a smile )

His cellphone vibrates and he get his cellphone in his pocket and read the message and looked at you.

Jinxx: I need to go but before I go can I borrow your new cellphone ?

Y/N: Sure

You handed your new cellphone to him and he get it. He dial his number and call his number when his cellphone rings he end the call and give back your new cellphone.

Jinxx: Hope we see each other again Y/N

Y/N: ( You smile at him ) I hope so

Jinxx: Well I need to go

He started to walk and you watch him walking until he fade. You feel so happy because even if this is the first time you met Jinxx you feel that he is a nice guy. You go home with a smile on your face.

When you got home Jinxx call you because he was checking if you got home safe the both of you are talking until midnight.

After that night You and Jinxx became friends and one day while you're walking at the mall because your going to buy a present for your friend you see him walking to your direction when he saw you he quickly walk closer to you.

Jinxx: Hey what are you doing here Y/N ?

Y/N: I'm going to buy my friend a present. How about you ? ( You said with a smile )

Jinxx: I'm here because one of my bandmate is going to buy a new guitar and he ask me if I can come with him

Y/N: Okay ( You said with a smile )

Jinxx: Are you busy tonight ?

Y/N: Nope Why did you asked ?

Jinxx: We have a practise tonight and I want you to come with me so I can introduce you to my bandmates because they really want to meet you

Y/N: Sure ( You said with a smile )

Jinxx: So I will going to pick you up in your home tonight

Y/N: Okay see you tonight

The both of you walk in separate way you buy your gift for your friend after that you go home.

When the night comes You and Jinxx go to the studio when the both of enter the studio his bandmates are practising, the three man are playing the instruments and the other one is singing.

You looked at Jinxx and smile to him he smile back to you and you back your attention to his bandmates. Jinxx speak after the song.

Jinxx: The guy who sing that is Andy Biersack

Andy: ( He smile at you )

Jinxx: The guy play drums that is Christian Coma

Christian: ( He smile at you )

Jinxx: The guy who play electric guitar that is Jake Pitts

Jake: ( He smile and wave at you )

Jinxx: And the one who plays bass guitar that is Ashley

Ashley: ( He smile at you )

Y/N: Nice to meet you guys I'm Y/N ( You said with a smile )

Ashley: Jinxx is right your beautiful that is why he li.....

Ashley stop talking because Andy elbow him in chest.

Andy: Sorry about that Ashley is right your beautiful

Y/N: ( You smile and blushed ) Thanks

Jake: Guys we need to start

Andy: Yeah Jake is right

They start their practise and you watch them. You like their songs and how they performed it. After a hours of practicing they decided to go home Jinxx drive you home.

When the both of you arrive in your house. He open the car door for you and you go out of the car.

Y/N: Thanks for the ride ( You said with a smile )

Jinxx: ( He smile at you ) Can I invite you to a dinner tomorrow ?

Y/N: Dinner ?

Jinxx: Yeah but if you don't like it's okay

Y/N: Who said to you that I reject that invitation

Jinxx: Is that mean your accepting my invitation ?

Y/N: ( You nod as a answer )

Jinxx: ( He smile from ear to ear ) I will pick you up tomorrow night

Y/N: Okay

Jinxx kiss you in the cheek as a goodbye kiss and you blushed because of that. He go back in his car and start to drive and you watch his car until it fades. You decided to go inside your house with a smile on your face.



Hope you like this imagine. I don't know if I make this imagine good or not.

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