Chapter 4

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William's POV
"Oi! Ore-sama demands why'd you knock me out Jack!"

"Who you calling Jack?" I asked with a smirk and the other three arrived.

"Ah~So nice to see you join the party! Have a seat." I said snapping my fingers as the bloody background became a background of us in a Greek style gazebo and a lake with large trees. A coffee table with chairs and a stack of sweet treats and a tea set.

"Would you want one lump or two?" I asked as I grabbed the sugar cubes. All four four of them were hesitant when Reiji sat and the other three joined.

"Choux de crème anyone?" I asked as them with plates of the cream puffs floating on the air.

"Why am I here?" Ayato asked annoyed and I grinned.

"Who knows? Take a guess?" I asked and he grit his teeth.

"How should ore-sama know freak."

"Wrong answer." I said and their hand were trapped to the chairs.

"Don't talk to me the way you talk to others with that big shot mouth of yours." I said with a smile.

"Jack, let us go." Reiji said and I sighed.

"You don't learn do you? Jack is one of my names but was never my real name. Only I know my name...butterscotch?" I said as I handed them a butterscotch on their plates.

"Oh right~ You can't eat with your hands tied~ How sad~"

"Let us go!" Ayato shouted and I smirked.

"Alright but I'll only do it if you tell me an interesting story." I said with my smirk turning into a grin when it was erased when Reiji spoke.

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