Chapter 25

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authors note at the end. So sorry for the late update, wifi is a- you get the message.

Laito's POV

I just stared at all the chains in the room as they gave the one with rabbit ears a shocked look. I just kept staring and waited for one of them to speak.

"Hold on." Break started and all eyes were on him as he had his hand on his chin and eyes closed.

"What's the difference from being the march hare and white rabbit? You're still the same bunny except more domesticated." Almost everyone in the room faceplanted to the ground because of what he said, even the rabbit looked annoyed.

"Was that all you got from what I said?!" The rabbit shouted as he stomped up to Break who had a grin and shook his head.

"Well I got the golden dragon information but~~ Why now?" He asked with eyebrows raised and Cheshire purred and rubbed on his leg in his feline form. Vivaldi called Cheshire and he was in her arms being petted on the head.

"Hah? What do you mean why now?" The rabbit asked and Break busted into laughter with all the chains looking at him expectantly.

"Break, is there something you know that we weren't told about?" Mikaela asked with Yuuichiro nodding beside him.

"Hmm~~? It seems I do! And yes, it involves the golden dragon, peter." Break said as he glanced at the white rabbit. He had a smirk and the rabbit along with the other chains were annoyed.

"How could you possibly know about the golden dragon?! I just got told about this now and you proclaim to know more about the dragon more than the abyss does?!" Peter's outburst caused some of the chains to whisper to themselves while Break shrugged his shoulders.

"Well how could I not? I was the one who turned the poor boy into a chain when Jack had him sent here." Everyone was silent at his words and Peter seemed to shocked to even speak any further.

"And let's not forget Peter, dearest. I've been a chain in the abyss far longer than any of you have. Well besides Cheshire of course." He said and Cheshire mewled in his place.

"Ano...I know I'm new to being a chain and all but..." Yuu trailed off and we were all listening to him.

"As far as I know, isn't the will of the abyss the only one who could turn people into chains?" His question caused all to turn back to Break.

"Of course! But that never meant all chains were created by her for example~~ Vivaldi and Mikaela were created by me." His statement made Yuu turn to Mika while the white queen turned to Vivaldi.

"Is this true Vivaldi?" Vivaldi only sighed and nodded as she placed Cheshire on the floor.

"It is. From the knowledge that I have I remember that there are three creators of chains in the world of the abyss. One of them is the Will  as she calls herself, she proclaims to be the queen and creator of the abyss. Only her will is to be followed by whoever she turns, although there are some who rebel but most of them end up destroyed. And the other is called Wish, they're like genies in a sense of granting the person their wish to live once more. And the last creator, he's much worse than among all three. He only turns those who have strong desire, a deep essence of carnal pleasure. He turns them to chains but cursed."

"Cursed?" Michael asked and Vivaldi nodded and Cheshire turned into his human form and yawned.

"He's called Order. He is cursed himself. He's crazy and almost killed the Will once."

"Then Break is..." I trailed off.

"I'm a wish." He said smiling and most of them sighed in relief. 

"That's a relief." The white queen said and we nodded before another sigh was heard. It was Kuro and he was staring up at the white queen.

"Not to interrupt or anything but aren't you Lawless's dead eve?" He asked pointing at the blonde lady. She flinched as she nodded.

"Yes. I am. I hope you don't tell Lawless about my being as a chain." She said and he sighed loudly making Mahiru smack his head for being rude.

"Why should I care? It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone, especially Lawless." He said making her smile.

"Besides, it's not my call to make." He added looking at Licht who sent him a glare.

"Like I'll tell that shitty demon anything." He growled and she smiled at the two.

"If the will is... well, the will and Break is wish, then... who's the order?" Yu asked and all chains shrugged at him. "Dunno."

"I may have been as old as Jack but I myself don't know who the order is. Though, from how much I've conversed with the will, the order is a he and is also as old as me and Jack. He's kind of the reason how the abyss came to be, if I'm being honest." Break stated with a sigh and we all just stared at him.

"Hm? What is everyone staring at?" He asked. "You conversed with the will?!" All chains exclaimed and he rose an eyebrow at them. "Why is this a shock to you? I'm the second generation Mad hatter and Jack's the first generation Jekyll and Hyde. It's a given we could converse with the abyss."

I then rose an eyebrow at this. "But Jack never mention he could talk to the abyss." Break smiled at my direction. "He can but he has chosen not to." He then hummed with a finger on his chin. "Although, from what I've gathered~ Jack isn't so fond of the will." He added.

Vivaldi sent him a confused expression. "Pardon me but don't we all? We chain are typically taken in by the will all because of our sins." She stated quite bitterly which had Break laughing.

She glared at him while the other chains looked nervous. "While that may be true but unlike the rest of you dears, my turning into a chain was a different story." He said mysteriously.

Everyone was tense until a loud yawn caught our attention. "Jack and Break are favored by the will." Cheshire said and Break then snapped his fingers. "Ah! I also remember! Cheshire here is the first chain as he was created along with the abyss." Break added.

"But aren't you and J-" "Jack and I are one of the first chains turned not created. Besides, Cheshire was created by the abyss so he's typically an abyssmal being. An original." The said male turned to them and tilted his head. "Nya?"

"Rather favor, I would prefer the term obsessed." Break started with a sigh. "Jack despises the abyss and the will for certain reasons. However, the Will is obsessed with him and the abyss doesn't want him anywhere but here."

All our attention were on Break as he sighed. "The fact that he seems to be what the abyss and Will wants is concerning, why do you think he didn't come with?" 

A/N this is as much I could currently write since I'm still trying to grasp on some parts that I wrote. I found myself confused and lost at some parts even laughing at myself, not believing I wrote this. I've been gone for too long.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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