Night Time Actions (Your POV)

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After we'd eaten and chatted a little it was time to go to sleep. All the boys had their separate rooms but I didn't have a room. There was a guest room but there was no furniture in it. The only two options were to either sleep on the sofa or sleep with one of the boys. They didn't want me sleeping on the sofa so it narrowed it down to one option. We agreed that I'd sleep in Ryan's bed but he insisted that he slept on the sofa. I got into the bed and Ryan went downstairs to sleep as the others went to their rooms. I couldn't believe it. I was sleeping in 8-BitRyans bed. I was still awake when Ryan came to check if I wanted a drink a small time later. He opened the door and I sat up. "Oh sorry did I wake you?" Ryan spoke in a quiet voice that sounded really cute. "No I can't sleep." I replied.
"How come?" He came and sat on the end of the bed. "I'm kinda cold"
"Do you want me to get a blanket?"
"Erm no. I was wondering if you could come up here with keep me warm.." I trailed off wanting the world to swallow me up. "Of course I will" Ryan smiled. He got into the bed and held me close. I was instantly warm. But I think it was mainly due to the fact that it was Ryan hugging me. I felt so safe. I felt protected.

My 8-Bit Heart Beats For You (8-BitRyan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now