New Notification: 8-BitRyan Uploaded "Q&A with Friends and a Very Special Guest"

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Ryan decided to tweet asking for questions for all of us, except no one knew who I was. 

New Notification: 8-BitRyan tweeted: Hey everyone give us some questions for us to answer in a video! There's me, @justbazzz, @dawkosgames, @Razzbowski and also our new friend @(Y/C/N)

Ryan's phone blew up immediately but most of the questions were "Who's @(Y/C/N)?" or something along those lines. We didn't know how to introduce me without giving much away until Razz had the great idea of tweeting a picture with all of us in it. I was reluctant to as I don't like how I look but they convinced me it was the only way. 

New Notification: 8-BitRyan tweeted: For those of you asking who @(Y/C/N) is, here's a picture of us all [image attached]

I couldn't bring myself to look at the replies to the picture but Ryan thought otherwise. The boys were sitting playing a game while I lay on the couch playing Pokemon on my 3DS but our peace was shattered by Ryan squealing at his phone. We all jumped in shock at the sudden exclamation and hurried to see what he was looking at. His screen was filled with notifications from replies to his tweet, they were all mainly saying "Ooo she's so pretty" and things like it. I blushed as I read them all and a small smile made its way onto my face. We left the tweet for a few hours as people replied with questions, once we were ready we started to pick out the ones we would answer. In total i think there were about six questions we chose, but we knew a whole video could be made from it. Baz went and set up the camera facing the sofa which was against a plain wall, we thought it would be easier doing it that way, while the rest of us got ready to answer questions. Baz came and sat down with the rest of us and pressed record. The red light blinked and began a series of events that no one would forget, especially me. 

Ryan started the video as it was going on his channel.
"Hey guys as you can see there is someone you don't know here so let's get to introductions. I'm Ryan."
"I'm Bazamalamalama."
"Hi i'm Dawko."
"Hellooo i'm Razzbowski"
They all looked at me to introduce myself, I swallowed the fear and spoke as I normally would in my videos.
"Annyeong i'm Y/C/N. Nice to meet you all." (A/N Annyeong means Hello in Korean, I just thought that it might spice things up a bit if you said it lol) 
"Now that everyone's introduced themselves, let's get onto the video! Question one is for Razz: If you met Nagito Komaeda what would you do?"
"Nagito Komaeda...I would punch him in the face and then leave him on the ground to suffer." He grinned while he answered as his viewers knew how much he didn't like Nagito, but I needed to have my say. 
"No, that's wrong! Nagito is the cutest though Razz! Like yes, he is slightly psychotic but he is still an adorable hope bagel." I objected jokingly. The others laughed as we began to argue over a video game character. 
"I will give you credit for that 'No, that's wrong' but he is still annoying and crazy." Razz argued playfully. We kept bickering on and on until Lewis finally stopped us. Ryan carried on with the questions.
"Question two is for Lewis: Why do you and Y/C/N look so similar? Are you guys cousins or something?" Lewis looked at me for approval so I nodded, I was ready for people to know we were related.
"The reason we look similar is because we're brother and sister. I've grown up watching her play video games so I got interested in them too. I'd always be the one who went to the parties and outdoor clubs like football and stuff while she'd be the one who stayed inside playing games and drawing. I saw her yesterday for the first time in ages and it's amazing how different people can look after a period of time." He gleamed like a kid at a candy store. The rest of us just melted into happiness listening to the words coming out of his mouth. We regained our composure and moved on to the next question.
"Question for Baz: Do you think ryan's relationship with you will be replaced with Y/N?" Ryan's voice almost trailed off as if he was dreading the reply. Baz looked at the ground clearly thinking it would but didn't want the others to see. He looked up with a small smile on his face to hide the sadness that was visible in his eyes. "Well i hope not. I do like Y/N so i wouldn't mind sharing him." He laughed. The others laughed along but I knew that he would be really upset if me and Ryan spent more time together than they did. Ryan wasted no time and moved onto the next question.
"Question for me: What personality would describe y/n?" He looked over me and studied me as if I was a painting in an art gallery. "Ooo now Y/N is a bit of a weird one. She's astonishing really, she can fit in with anyone. She can fit anywhere on the spectrum of personality." He gleamed with amazement as he spoke. The others smiled and nodded in agreement causing me to hide my face that was a light shade of pink. 
"Question for Y/N: how do feel about Ryan right now?" Everyone looked at me for answer but nothing seemed to come out of my mouth. Oh no. The question i was dreading. I can't say how I actually feel in case he doesn't feel the same. Quick! I need to think of something! "Erm well...he's awesome! He's just so friendly and helpful but can get slightly hot headed over competitive games." I giggled to let him know i was joking, causing the others to agree and him to get embarrassed. I didn't want to say anymore so we quickly went on to the next and last question.
"Question for me: If you had to spend seven minutes in a closet with Y/N what would you do?" He glanced at me but then looked away in embarrassment. Me and Ryan went bright red and he couldn't form words, all that came out of his mouth was splutters of letters. Razz and Lewis looked at each other and smirked. Razz suddenly grabbed Ryan and Lewis got me, they shoved us into a small room, which happened to be his recording room and Baz shouted "Let's see shall we?!" The others sat back down on the sofa after blocking the door so we couldn't escape and set a timer for seven minutes. They were just talking about random things in the community so it could all be kept in the video. As they had pushed us into the room I'd fell on top of Ryan and every time I tried to get up I struggled to. My face was still a bright red and Ryan's was no better.

"Stop struggling a second Y/N." Ryan whispered. He moved himself so I could get up and we both propped ourselves against the wall. "Even though the room is padded with foam I bet they can still hear us so we have to monitor our sound levels. So if you want to say anything you need to whisper too." He explained quietly. I nodded and slowly bought myself back into a calm state...which was then wrecked by what Ryan proceeded to say. "Look Y/N I really do like you and it's fine if you don't like me back in that way but if you do may I propose something?" I was taken aback by the sudden expression of interest in me. "Well if we're being honest here, I do feel the same way so feel free to carry on." I smiled to let him know I wasn't lying. "I never thought you'd say that but what I was gonna suggest is that we get to know each other a lot better and spend more time together. We've only known each other a day or two so we need to get to know more about each other before we jump into a relationship right?" He suggested with a slight hint of hope in his whisper. "Of course, that sounds great. We can be each others hidden admirers so the others don't know." I agreed. "Deal." We smiled at each other and just sat there for a little bit while we waited for the seven minutes to be over.

The door suddenly flung open catching us by surprise as the others shouted that the time was up. We went and sat back down while the others asked us loads of questions about what we did in there. Once they finally agreed that all we did was talk it was time to end the video, they were adamant that something else happened but it was truth that nothing else did. 
"Well that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed and of course if you did don't forget to like and subscribe. I will list the channels for these guys down below so be sure to check them out. And as always i will see you guys in the next video." We all waved on cue and with that the video was over. 

Ryan went off to edit the video in his recording room while the others went back to the game they were playing. I sat and watched as grown men argued over who hit who with green shells, all the time thinking about Ryan. 

A few hours had passed and Ryan hadn't come out of his room, jeez that guy sure does work hard, the others had all gone off to film their videos so I was left alone. I needed to film my own but my stuff was all back at my own house, it wasn't that far so I could easily walk it there. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note explaining I'd gone back to film and I'd left my phone number and my address for them if they wanted to message me or visit me. I left the house making sure as to not make much noise so no one wouldn't be disturbed. 

I made my way back home in silence as the cold, harsh rain fell against my face and the floor. My phone buzzed in my pocket as a notification came through:

New Notification: 8-BitRyan Uploaded "Q&A with Friends and a Very Special Guest" 

My body warmed up as i began to watch the video and suddenly I didn't feel as cold.

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