Oh Noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A/N: This thing contains them spoilers for Danganronpa V3, so don't come crying back to me if you get spoiled

It was an morning and everone was awoke, wel Aplol and Miou were alred awake. Apollo had ben teaching Miu how 2 du cords uv steal.

"and thats how u do the cords of steel!" A pool explan

Mew gaspe in amazment, "I have lerned so much!"

Then suddenlee there is toyley paperer sit there. Miu stare at iyt in horrer. 

"HIIIIIIISSSSSSSSS!!!!!!" Miu screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech.

"Miu why you is yelling hiss at toilet paper?" Apollo ask his waifu in concern.

"I hate toilet paper," Miu reply, "it killed me once."


Miu then threw the toilet paper out window.


                                               Toilet pappre 



Meanwhile Dahli got bored of torturing Yasuhiro and went off to living werld to annoy Phoenix and Godot and other peeps. YAsuhiro decid to loock around for exit. "This plase suxz I wan leeve!"

He saw an exit sighn! It was suo great to c that! He opened it and walk through, but it took him starte to an lava pit. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

He get out and cuntinue serch. He hear voice, "lol u idiot, how u think they make exitb that easy?"

Yasuhiro turned around and try to slap the guy hoo sed that, but they cought his hand! 

"Wut?" Say Yasuhiro "Who are you?"

"I am Adolf Hotler!" say the guy "If yo wan get out, wil o take me wit you?"

"No! Screw u!" Reject Yasuhiro

":(" Hitlre saded

Kayde is walk aroud place with Shoeichi, they also kissed alot caus ship. Tehy walk into a room and see a unbelievable site (cuz protags in DR think every thing is an unbelievable sight)

Tsumugi was strangle Rantaro with an hair dryer wile blowing in he face.

"Sumugly! Wht are you doing?!?!?!?!?!"  yel shuichi

Tsumugi evil smiled, "I'm making guacamole!"

Kaede did here puffy fac "No Tsumugi! That bad!"

"Well he keep toching my shit even though it not his!" Tsumiugi whine "So he deserv die!"

Kaede then grab a spray buttle filled with orange juice.

"Hey! Keep them evul oranoge away from me!" Tsumugi screm

Kaede spraye her with it, Tsumugi got all scrared and run away.

"U ok rantarou?" Assk Sushi

"Yeh" repli Avocado "she just amos dead me." 

Tsumugi come back "Ken I has sum gwakamole now plz?"

They all glar at her, "Nop!"

"Okay..." Tsumug whine 

Apol wak out of room, "well I need to do a thing now, c u later"

"k" Miu repl

Apollo go outside and turn around an courner. As he do that he is staby stabed!

Yasuhiro and Maya x BurgerWhere stories live. Discover now