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I do NOT own Chiara. She is from my friend's book. Go check out @TheJadeWarrior and read her book The Girl With the Magic Ring to get Chiara's point of view.

I wake up the next morning, the worst day of the year for me. October 11th, the day my best friend Chiara died. I know it was over 100 years ago, but death is always a hard thing to go through. I think back to the first time I met her and I smile.

Flashback 1934

I was trying to blend in, well that didn't work out because I ended up drunk. And well when I was drunk I did stupid things, but then again I sobered up well. I saw a woman, she was stunning, no doubt about it. She was calm, but at the same time she looked fiery, a great friend to have. I was drinking way too many tequila shots, and vodka when I walked up to her.

"Wow this party got out of hand." I say to her. The music is loud and pounding, if I was human I wouldn't be able to hear anything. But I'm not so I can hear what she says next.

"I don't think this is a party. I think this is a bar." She says slurring her words.At first I'm suspicious about how she could hear me, but I quickly dismissed the idea because well I was drunk.

"Well, why don't we make it a party? I'm Luna, by the way. You are?" I ask, in a way this woman reminds me of myself. "Chiara." She says. That name seems very familiar I just can't place it.

"Nice to meet you, Chiara. I have coffee and bourbon at my place. Sober up, then get drunk?" I ask. She chuckles. I am a vampire so I deal with hangovers greatly, and I can sober up quickly.

"If you can deal with the hangover." She says. "Sure I can." I say mentally scoffing, my voice steady. She laughed again and I rolled my eyes, and we walked off into the night.

My place is a little further in the city, because of the Mikaelson's. Well not all of them especially Kol. Kol has been tailing me for months and frankly it's starting to get annoying. I mean we're over. He said I meant nothing to him, so he deserves the bitch attitude I'm giving him.

"They say you're crazy, but sober, you seem fine to me." I think, not realizing I said it out loud. She's feeding me coffee and crackers. She laughs, and puts more saltines in my hands.

"You know, we should do this more." I say slurring my words.

I want more vodka, I look around and I don't see it. Awww.

"Hey, where's the Gray Goose." I say slurring my words again.

"It flew away." Chiara says quickly.

"Okay. Can you hand me a blood bag? Their in the fridge." I ask to her, not realizing I told her my biggest secret. She starts backing up when I realize my mistake.

"I'm a vampire, okay?" I say quickly. " But don't worry. I won't drink your blood. You'd taste like tequila and bad choices." I say giggling.

"Good thing I'm one too, then." She says. I quickly look up at this, quickly sobering up.

"Prove it." I say fiercely. And so she does, honestly I'm surprised, I didn't think she would actually do this.

She vamps out, and seeing this so did I.

"So. You tell the truth." I say, and she nods.

"Well, sorry I doubted you. I'm a witch. And I'm really sorry that I have to do this." I say, and with a flick of my wrist she's lying on the ground with her neck snapped.

I write quickly on a piece of paper. I take a bracelet and enchant it, and place it on top of the blood bag, which is on top of the paper.

Dear Chiara,

Sorry about the whole snap neck thing, I want to protect you. I noticed you had a daylight ring, so I didn't want to give you something useless. This bracelet will hold anything you try to put in to it. Just touch it to the clasp. When you want it back, think about it and flick your wrist. Please don't come looking for me. Please don't try to find me. I want to be alone right now. I will hurt you if you follow me. Please take my word for it; you don't want to know me right now. Just trust me.

With sympathy,


I walk to my bedroom, and take my wedding ring off. I look at the copper words inscribed in it. "To my dearest Luna, I will always and forever, love you." It says. A tear runs down my face. I close my eyes, imagine a switch, and flip it. I wipe the tears off, and jump out the window.

End of Flashback

A tear falls down my cheek, and I wipe it off. I start coughing violently, and when I look at my hand, it's red with blood. I groan annoyed.

"How wonderful." I say sarcastically. Well now I really need a drink.

I get ready and go to the grille. I sit down next to Damon, who's talking to some guy.

"Alaric, meet my sister Luna. Luna meet Alaric." Damon says.

"You must be my sister's history teacher. Thank you for taking care of them." I say forcing a smile.

"Please, call me Ric. And who's your sister?" Ric asks me.

"Elena." I say, and he starts to say something but I cut him off.

"It's a very, very, very long story." I say. "Anyway, I'm going to go now." I say.

"What, no drink!" Damon asks me, shocked.

"Not today Damon, not today." I say giving him a sad smile, and I walk away, leaving my brother stunned. I walk out of the grille to be pulled into an alley. I roll my eyes, and groan. Not this douche.

"Hello Luna." Jake says, smirking.

"Ah, the douche returns. Hello Jake." I say in fake enthusiasm.

He tries to kiss me, but I twist his wrist and break it.

"You see Jake, I'm a tribrid, that means I'm more powerful than you will ever be." I say smirking.

He throws a punch at my face, but I dodge, and punch his jaw.

"Ooh, that had to hurt. Does it hurt? To feel powerless against me? Like how you made me feel for 6 years?" I ask bitterly, and full of rage.

"Well Luna, I found pleasure in every single second of it." He says, smirking again. Rage fills every inch of me.

I put my hand into his chest, and it grips his heart, and in a second his heart is in my hand. I take a tissue from my bag, and wipe my hands.

"I didn't want any blood to be on my hands today. Well oops." I say, throwing the tissue onto the ground and speeding away. Now back to mourning, which was so rudely interrupted by Jake.

Right now I locked my room door, and I am looking at the album, full of the memories, starting from the 1930's to the 1980's. A tear falls onto to page, and I don't acknowledge someone coming in. They put their arms around me, and to their surprise I don't step away. I look at the person, and it's Rebekah. I look at her with a questioning gaze.

"You didn't think I would forget Chiara do you?" She asks, with a sympathetic smile.

I sigh, and smile coming up with an idea.

"Are your brothers home?" I ask smirking.

"No....Are you thinking what I'm thinking Luna?" She asks, smirking.

"Well, drinking is the best way to mourn." I say also giving her a smirk. And with that we speed off in the direction of the Mikaelson Mansion.

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