- Sean

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It was just a normal Tuesday evening in work, you were counting down the clock until your shift was over. It was quiet, 3 people in all sitting in the cafe with an odd person popping in for a coffee on their way home for work.

"Right I'm off!" your co worker Danielle beamed as she collected her coat and headed for the door.

"See ya" you replied, wishing it was you going home.

The bell above the door chimed as she exited.

You heard a slight commotion and looked up to see your ex-boyfriend Sean making his way towards the counter. You turned around quickly almost preparing yourself for what was to come. Let's just say you hadn't ended on the best of terms.

"Y\N" your boss called you, gesturing for you to turn around and serve the next customer. You simply nodded and slowly turned around to face Sean.

"What can I get you?" You say with the best fake smile you could pull.
Sean opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, he was just staring at you. The tension was evident as the awkwardness levels rose.

"Ehm" you cleared your throat, gesturing for Sean to actually tell you what he wanted.
"I eh.." He started but trailed off.

You were getting annoyed and snapped.

"What do you want?"

You were taken aback when Sean replied with "You"

-Apologies for any mistakes. Not the best but I hope you enjoyed none the less! 😊

Sean and Conor Price Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now