- Sean

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You check your phone for the fifth time in about 3 minutes. 6:26 it now read and still no sign of your boyfriend or a text message to explain why. 'He's just running late' you tell yourself. 'He wouldn't stand me up like this' you try to reassure yourself but to no effect. 

"Are you okay miss? Can I get you anything?" the waitress asks once again.

"I'm waiting on someone" you reply. You can feel the apologetic stares of the  other diners. "I'm sure he'll be here soon" you trail off, putting your head in your hands. This is so embarrassing. You were debating whether or not to leave and just as you were about to get up, this boy you've never seen before takes a seat opposite you. "Sorry I'm so late babe, the traffic is crazy" he explains loudly. "I'm Sean, just go with it yeah? Whoever didn't bother to show up is a dick" he adds quietly. And so you go with it, to save yourself from complete embarrassment and because he's the cutest the thing you've ever seen.


As you get up to leave, Sean grabs your jacket before you get a chance to and gently places it on your shoulders. You smile and thank him as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and nods in response. 

"I''ll just go up and pay" you say, gesturing to the desk.

"No, I'll pay" he offers like the gentleman he has been all night.

"No" you insist "you saved me from complete embarrassment tonight, the least I can do is pay"

"Alright, but I'm paying next time" Sean responds suggestively. 

"What makes you think there'll be a next time?" you flirt back and Sean becomes quiet. 

"I'm joking" you clarify as you pay the bill and walk out of the restaurant, him opening the door for you.

You stand in silence for a few seconds before turning to Sean and thanking him for tonight. You exchange goodbyes and start to walk to your car when you hear Sean yelling 

"Hey, you never told me your name"

"You'll find out next time" you counter and watch as goofy smile spread across Sean's face.

The best non-planned date ever.

Sorry I have been so inactive (I forgot my password!) Hope you liked, if you did please vote x

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