A Look On The Other Side

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*Tay's POV*

I'm getting ready with a day with Alex, my boyfriend. I really want us to be...forever. I know he broke Hayley's heart but I think he's changed since then. I really like him and maybe I might even love him. But that's just me. I won't say it unless he does.

Now back to my day. I'm dressed in a Blink-182 shirt and in sky blue skinny jeans. I straightened my hair, and put on my black Chucks. I put on mascara and foundation and chapstick. I even added a red headband with a bow on it. Pretty soon, I was ready.

I don't know where I'm going but I'm hoping it's fun.

My phone rang and it was Alex.

M: Hey babe!

A: Hey! So are you ready?

M: You're already outside?

A: Yeah.

M: Ok well here I come.

A: Alright bye!

M: Bye!

I told the guys that I was leaving and the all said ok.

When I got outside, Alex was dressed in a yellow and black checkered shirt with a leather jacket over it. He was wearing khaki pants and vans on. This wonderful man was all mine. I walked up to him and kissed him. We pulled away and he took my hand in his and left.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said.

I shrugged and just let him take me to wherever.

We cam across a field filled with a bunch flowers and I was shocked to see it.

"Alex, where did yo- how did you find this place?" I asked speechless.

"Well, the guys and I got into it one day and I just stormed out. I was walking around and bam here I am. Well, here we are." He explained.

He ended up laying down and I laid down next to him. We were just laying there looking at the clouds and figuring out the shapes that they made.

I felt Alex's fingers trail down the side of my body. I shivered and looked at him. I saw the list in his eyes and we kissed passionately. I got on top of him and his hands were rubbing up and down on my sides and just set them on my hips. He put his tongue in my mouth after begging for an entrance. I moaned when he started putting pressure on my hip with his fingertips.

I'm pretty sure you can guess what happens next.

*Think Of How Much Time Passed On Your Own I Can't Think Right Now*

I'm on ATL's bus singing Kiss Me Again with Alex and him trying to kiss me but I won't let him.

I keep laughing at all of the stupid attempts he makes and finally at the end he kissed me hard and passionately.

It shocked me and soon I relaxed and grabbed a fistful of Alex's hair to bring his lips back to mine after trying to pull away.

He hissed and put his hands on my thighs. We kept kissing and I wanted him to move his hands and I started whining.

"What do you want?" He asked his voice low and raspy.

I moaned and begged, "For you to touch me."

Right when he was about to do that, Jack came in the backroom.

We parted really quickly and he said, "Oh gosh! I'm sorry. I should let y'all continue, seeing how Alex hadn't got any soon-" "Hey!" "But it's time for sound check." He said.

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