I saw you jump out into the night city... (pt2)

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Hello! Here is Part 2! I'm just listening to a mashup of Paradichlorobenzene X Antichlorobenzene right now. ...And now I'm listening to the entire Benzene series. Anyway, enjoy! (I just realized I need to continue The Blue Blur but I'm writing here... Oh well)

Sally slumped to the ground with her head in her hands after realizing what she did. Her sobs echoed around the small room when she stopped calling out to her probably lost brother.

Johnny ran away without looking back as transparent tears fell freely from his hazel eyes, zooming behind him as he sprinted. He didn't know where he was headed, but he didn't care. All he cared about was getting away from the place he once called 'home', even with the growing guilt that he could feel. He couldn't think about anything other than the both until he confirmed something: He was right and she was wrong.

Many unfamiliar smells and sounds surrounded him and only a few street lights illuminated his path, yet he moved on. He was hoping to start a new life, but something inside of him was trying to make him turn back; to ask for forgiveness. 

Sally still remained on the ground until she finally had the courage to go out and find her lost brother.

Wiping away her wet tears, the lonely girl walked through the door and sprinted to the only place she thought he would go to: 

The middle of the city park. 

She pulled out her small phone and tried to call him, hoping that he brought his cellphone with him, which he didn't do, but she still continued to try. 

Johnny couldn't see through the heavy rain, but he pressed on against the storm. His wet clothes stuck to him, slowing his speed but he persevered and continued.  

Memories flashed before his eyes. He could see all of the fun times he had with Sally, and he soon regretted his stupid decision.

The ignorant teen longed to go back now, but it was too late. He was so far away from his home and he needed to think, so he went to the only place he could go too:

The tree in the middle of the city park.

Without hesitation, he raced to his destination with all of the power he had left. 

Water splashed everywhere when his muddy sport shoes smashed into the large puddles, but he wasn't there yet. It was still going to be a long trip, but he didn't stop. He was determined to get there and to find his sister.

Sally hopped over puddles and darted around obstacles as she tried to navigate through the seemingly empty city. She checked the time and noticed that it was past midnight. This made her want to find her brother and bring him home all the more.

Many minutes passed and the tired girl finally reached a shady tree in a park; a childhood favorite. They always came here together lots of fun! But then the arguments started...

Fiddling with her hair, she reached into her pocket and grabbed her phone, nervously hoping for a reply. She turned it on and read what was on the screen: 


No New Messages

She turned it off, knowing she wouldn't get a reply anytime soon, and tiredly waited. 

Johnny was so close, yet so far from his favorite chill-out spot, a place he visits in order to think. Just a little bit more...

Jumping over a hazardous tree root like a free rabbit, Johnny saw 'the thinking tree' as he called it, and spotted a shadowy figure sitting at the base of it. He squinted and looked at them closely and recognized them.

Sally, leaning against the huge tree saw what appeared to be a teenage boy. He looked really familiar, so she looked really hard at him, and noticed that...

It was Johnny.

Johnny realized,

It was Sally.

The two sprinted towards each other and jumped into each other's loving embrace.

"Johnny! I thought I would never see you again! Please never do that again!"

"I won't! I-I'm so sorry f-for leaving you like that! I just don't like rules and I don't like being bossed around." Johnny apologized while silently crying into his sister's arms.

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's go home now." Sally cooed while reaching for Johnny's hand.

"Okay. In the end, you were right. It is for my own good!" Johnny summarized as they walked home holding each other's hands.

Listen to your older siblings people! XD

Anyway, I hope you liked this story! Kirstenonic, out!

Is there any meaning to this song? There's no meaning to this song.

Is there any meaning to this story? The meaning to this story/song is...

  ヽ(゜゜)ノ benzene ♪  

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