Transport, Ice and a Whole lot of Puking

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Hey everyone this will be my first fanfic so please go easy on me. Thanks for taking the time to read my book. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Dammit, how I hate transportation."

Guess who? It's everyone's favourite fire dragon slayer. After stating his obvious detest for this particular thing called transportation, he continued barfing out the remains of his lunch out the window of the train.

"Oh suck it up flame brain. We've been through this conversation one too many times."

Once again, guess who? Right again everyone, it's everyone's favourite ice-make mage. There sitting with his arms crossed over his naked chest is our very own Gray Fullbuster. With a very annoyed expression on his face, he stared at his only companion for his mission, barfing out the contents of his lunch out the window.

"Shut it Ice Princess. If it wasn't for this stupid mission, which requested specifically for us, I wouldn't be stuck in this situation or be anywhere near your perverted self."

"Wow, I didn't know you had such vast vocabulary in that pea-sized brain of yours."

"YOU WANNA GO YOU PERVERTED STRIPPER?!" Natsu jumped up from his kneeled position on the floor, immediately regretting his decision as he once again had a dizzy spell, his face turning a peculiar shade of green as he proceeded to puke the remains of his breakfast. (Since he already puked out his lunch)

Gray sighed as he held out his arms. "Come here."

Natsu glanced over, huffing, "No way droopy eyes."

"Natsu get your ass over here before I drag you over here myself!"



"I said NO!"

Gray's eye twitched in annoyance as he sighed, once again, in exasperation.

Why does he do this to me, he thought annoyed.

Gray walked over to Natsu and grabbed his arm. "Come on" Gray sighed as he dragged Natsu over to the seats.

Natsu, too weak to protest, (or secretly enjoying the feel of Gray's cool hand on his wrist) let Gray drag him over to the seats in a daze. Finally snapping out of his daze, he asked , "Gray... What are you doing?"

"I'm going to help you with your motion sickness."

Natsu instantly paled, thinking of a certain redhead's way of "helping" with his problem. Trying to tug his wrist away while standing up, "N-no you d-don't need to help m-e, I'm j-just fine."

"I'm not going to knock you out like Erza you Pyro."


Natsu was cut off as he was suddenly bombarded with Gray's scent. He froze, not knowing what to do as he stared at Gray's VERY close and VERY naked chest. His mind went blank and then started going haywire.

Oh no. No no no no no. Crap I'm in his arms. This is bad. VERY very bad. My face is right in his chest! His VERY naked chest. Mmmm look at those abs... and his scent....
Holy shit BAD NATSU BADDDD. You can't think about him like this when you're this close to him!

Natsu face went ablaze when he finally found his voice and started trying to pull away. Key word being try. Gray's strong arms wrapped around Natsu's slender waist aren't letting go any time soon.

"Your popsicle, what do you think you are you doing! Let go of me this instant you pervert!"

Gray sits down with Natsu in his lap and sighs, watching Natsu struggle weakly in his arms before closing his eyes. "Shut up and sleep Natsu."

Natsu blinks, cheeks still holding a pink hue as he looked up at Gray's face. Staring silently at him.

Gray opens one of his eyes to see Natsu staring at him. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"Why are you doing this?"


"Why would you help me?"

"Oh please, all the barfing noises you were making were annoying me to no end. You looked so pitiful that I had to do something. I couldn't even get a wink of sleep since the start of the train ride because of you." Gray scoffed as he looked to the side.

"Besides I read online that being near something cold will help with your motion sickness. Seeing that I literally emit cold..." Gray trails off before looking back at Natsu.

Seeing Natsu's face of disbelief, Gray quickly adds on, "Don't get any ideas flame brain. I didn't purposely go and find that out for you. It was just plain coincidence that I came across that! And this is just a one-time thing, you got that hothead? Oi flame brain are you listening to me?!"

A eat-shitting grin slowly spreads across Natsu's face as he listened to Gray's rambling while studying Gray's slowly reddening face.

He really does care. Natsu smiled to himself as he leaned against Gray's chest, shocking Gray into silence.

Maybe I do have a chance with him.

"Thank you Gray."

Gray smiled to himself as he watched a no longer motion sick Natsu drift off into a peaceful slumber.

"Your welcome hothead."

Well that's the end of this chapter. I hope everyone enjoyed it! I sincerely hope for feedback but please go easy on me 😖
Still open for requests!

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