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Here you go. Sorry for the long wait! I have a really irregular updating schedule due to school and stuff. Anyways, on with the story!



"Dammit Gray.... Stop kicking your blanket off!" Natsu muttered as he retrieved said blanket from the floor. "It's the third time tonight!"

Gray, drowsy from sleep, turned over and glared at Natsu. "You know that I rather sleep without a blanket."

"But your gonna catch a cold!"

"Who do you think you're talking to flame brain?"

Natsu grumbled as he smoothed the blanket over himself. "Fine. Freeze for all I care."

Gray snorted as he rolled over once again, "If you haven't noticed I thrive in the cold."

"Like the popsicle you are."


"Shut up. I'm trying to sleep."

Gray huffed and put down his raised fist. "Dammit. You're lucky I love you."

"I'm not gonna love you anymore if you don't shut up right now."

"Alright alright. Sheesh..."

Note to self. Do not deprive Natsu from his sleep.

"Anyways I don't know why you're so hyped up about me not having a blanket." Gray said.

A growl resonated in the air.

"Maybe it's because ITS FUCKING WINTER?!"

"Like I said before, I am one with the cold."

"Sure thing Elsa."

Gray rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore the comment as he wrapped one arm around Natsu's waist.

"Besides..." Gray breathed into Natsu's ear.

"I don't need a blanket..." Gray shifted closer to Natsu, pulling him flush against his very much naked chest.

"I have you."

"Please just shut up." Natsu said burying his face into his pillow.

"You are so adorable." Gray chuckled as he watched the tips of Natsu's ears turn red.

"I am not!" Natsu huffed indignantly and smacked Gray with his pillow.

"Ok ok" Gray laughed, raising his hands in surrender. Gray buried his face into Natsu's salmon hair. "I love you Pyro."

Natsu smiled as he turned, burying his face into Gray's chest. "I love you too."

I guess we really don't need a blanket.


And done! Thought of this last night when I was going to sleep. I keep kicking off MY blanket and my mom is really frustrated with me....

Anyways the idea was cute and I hope you enjoyed!

Fairy Tail Gratsu one-shots (Gray x Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now