Meeting the Family

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Modern & Omega and Alpha AU

Hello dear readers it's been awhile. Here's another chapter I had been working on for the past few months. Enjoy!


"Today's the day huh?"

Gray was in his school uniform, consisting of a standard plain white button-up shirt with black pants, school bags slung over his shoulder with an arm around Natsu's shoulders. Natsu himself was snuggled into Gray's side, walking down the street with his arm around Gray's waist.

"Yeah. I can't help but feel a little nervous. How do you think my dad will react?" Natsu glanced up at Gray with a slightly worried expression. He wanted more than anything for his dad to accept Gray. Gray was his mate after all. In the short time Natsu and him met they were inseparable. If his dad were to force them to part he wouldn't know what to do.

"Oh please, I'm sure it'll be fine." Gray assured as he pulled Natsu closer. Planting a kiss onto his salmon hair, Gray continued, "I'm sure it wouldn't be as bad as introducing you to my family."

It had been just last week that Gray brought his mate, under the very annoying and persistent insistence of Gray's mother, over to his house for a family dinner. Before they even stepped foot into the house, Natsu was tackled and smothered with kisses by Gray's Mother, Ur, bless the sweet woman, and locked in an iron grip, (more like death hug), all while Gray's older brother, Lyon, (a demon in disguise) harnessed all the menace in the world into an intimidating glare that all but screamed 'I don't care if you are my baby brother's mate, if you ever hurt my him I will castrate you with a teaspoon and throw your remains into a gigantic freezer to freeze to the brink of death before I incinerate you to ashes'. When Gray tried to pull his mother-turned-leech away from his boyfriend in an effort to save him (what a gentlemen), the woman turned on him and started kicking his ass, yelling at her son for keeping such a, apparently, precious and adorable person away from her for such a long time, (only two weeks after they found each other mind you), leaving him unprotected from Lyon who in turn started advancing on him with his terrifying glare still in place, making Natsu consider turning tail and fleeing from his beloved's crazy family.

Let's just say it hadn't been as peaceful an evening as both of them had hoped for.

"I don't know." Natsu said unsurely, pressing himself into Gray's side more, making walking a little more difficult but both didn't mind. "My dad's really protective of me since we lost my mom, I just hope he won't be unnecessarily hard on you."

"Well I can understand where your dad is coming from." Grinning down at Natsu, he pinched his cheeks as a grandmother would to their grandchildren, stretching them out as he teased Natsu, who was failing to push the male away. "Of course he would feel the need to protect you. You're so innocent and cute, just like a cinnamon roll."

"Don't call me cute." Natsu huffed as he finally managed to smack his grinning boyfriend's hands away. "It hurts my manly pride."

"Oh?" Gray raised a brow as he smirked. "Then your 'manly pride' must really be hurt since you're going to be the bride in the relationship." Gray quickly sidestepped a right hook to his face, laughing at Natsu's burning face and indignant screams of refusal. "I am not going to be the bride!"

"Exactly who is topping in this relationship?"

Natsu didn't look at him as he stomped the rest of the way to his house, leaving his wheezing-from-too-much-laughter-that-was-totally-unnecessary boyfriend behind.


This was not how he had expected things to go.

They were greeted by Igneel's taut and stony face at the door, who had blankly stared at them, not at all helping the sinking feeling in his gut. He looked at his father with pleading eyes, begging telepathically to not take things too far, only to get slapped in the face by complete and utter weirdness when Igneel grinned-not a small one but a full-blown eye curving grin- when Gray was in the middle of- stiffly but confidently- introducing himself to the man in question and slung an arm around his mate before dragging a shocked speechless Gray into the house, chatting up a storm as he did so. Natsu could only gape in utter bewilderment at what happened, looking like a dead goldfish before he shook his head to try to start his brain again.

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