Bonds broken

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Elsie hurriedly freshened up and went to say goodbye to her granny...but she found her still not awake. She pecked her on the cheek and left a note on the table. "Bye granny am gone to visit Effie's daddy at the hospital... I'll be back soon. I love you granny" Elsie rushed to the hospital and texted Effie that she was at the gate. Effie came to meet her friend..... she hugged Elsie tight and sobbed bitterly.

" I swear I didn't want this to happen... It is all my fault. Help me pray for my Daddy....
Help me pray to God to spare my daddy.
If he is to punish let him punish me... am the bad bitch here... not my precious dad."
Elsie had no idea what this was all about. She helped Effie sit down,calmed her down and told her toexplain things a little bit clearly and stop blaming herself. Effie explained everything to Elsie. Elsie sympathised with her but could not do much,other than telling her that nothing was going to happen to her dad.
"I had a fight with mommy..can I please spend the night in your house today?" asked Effie

"Of course yes. You are always welcome in my house at all times"Elsie answered.
"Thankyou sis"said Effie.

"Why did you fight with your mom?"

"Over my dress"

"Okay... you will come over "
"Alright see you later swirry.."

Elsie left to go check on her granny. As she opened the gate to their compound, she could hear her granny in a deep conversation with someone and laughing heartily. She chose not to bulge in but rather peep through the window first before entering. Elsie since childhood was not well mannered and the art of knocking was never in her mastered skills. But despite her rude behaviours.... one thing was for sure.... her love and care for her granny.

"Hey Ralph.... what are you doing here??
Hey granny?? How was your day?"  Asked Elsie
Ralph answered first..." Hey Elsie.... I went home and did not find anyone so I decided to come over and see if Effie was over here and I found granny who told me to wait for you"

Her granny amswered ..."My day was good. What of yours? How is Effie's dad?"

"Did you ask about my dad?
Where is he?
What happened to him?
How did you know?
How about mom?" Were questions from Ralph.

"Your dad is in the hospital. He is not feeling well but he will be okay soon. Effie and your mom are taking care of him" Elsie replied.

"Please take me there...
I really wannah see my daddy
Please Elsie..." Ralph managed to talk in between sobs.

"Okay... I will. Grranny let me take Ralph to visit his dad yhen I will be back."Elsie told her granny as she kissed her goodbye.

Granny told her bye  and told her to take care. They arrived at the hospital and Elsie took Ralph to his mum. Since it was getting late,Elsie went back home to stay with her granny.
Ralph stayed there with his mother and told him everything about the previous night. Ralph was not happy about his sister's behaviour. "Where is that Effie?"asked Ralph.
They looked for Effie all over the hospital but they could not find her. Luckily... their dad was discharged and they left the hospital. They expected to find Effie at home when they arrived but there was no sign of anyone over there. They tried calling  her but her phone was off.
"Maybe she has gone drinking again." Her dad said.
"Or maybe she went at Elsie's.... let me call her and see if she is over there." Ralph said. He ran upstairs to make the call and within a minute he was back and said that Effie was not at Elsie's.

Beatty, Effie's elder sister came to visit her dad and said Effie had not gone to her house. "We have many important things to worry about other than a drunkard's whereabouts" said Effie's mother.Effie had given her family nothing else other than trouble since she joined campus.Beatty the eldest in the family had already given up on her since she had done all she could to help her younger sister.Beatty prepared dinner and they all ate... spend some time together and Beatty left for her home.
That night Effie did not come home. Since they had agreed that she would spend the night at Elsie's,Elsie waited for Effie till late night and she did not show up. This got Elsie worried and she kept calling Effie but Effie was not picking up her calls.

Effie had gone to her boyfriend's house. She just needed some space,somewhere that she would be judged less, somewhere that someone would show her some affection and do what she felt like and atleast be told things that she wanted to be told and not facts. Her boyfriend usually was scared of telling her facts because he was scared of her. She was the type of person who when corrected would literally blow up. Effie always felt that her mother was always tough on her and that her dad did not love her but that was not the case. She was the one that pushed her family away. No matter how hard they tried to make her feel loved and part of that family, she never showed them any concern or any affection. I would not be too harsh or meab to name her the blacksheep of the family.Effie had not even bothered to tell her boyfriend that she would visit him. She just went over to his house,he was not in. He was at work when she arrived but since she had the key, she opened, entered the house and made herself comfortable with a bottle of whiskey.

Darren,Effie's boyfriend was shocked to see his house open and lights on. He cautioysly entered the house but he sighed when he saw Effie lying on the couch,and a bottle of whiskey lying empty on the table. He walked in  and closed the door behind him.

Darren was the only child of a very wealthy family. He managed his father's businesses.He was a very busy man and with a passion for life.Despite his parent's wealth, he was down to earth, hard working and had a soul full of determination.But he had only made one mistake he did not choose the right woman ...a mistake if not rectified he would live to regret it for the rest of his life. But with time he realises his mistake and rectifies it and since then he realises what happiness is.

Effie was not the lovey dovey type but she was just in a relationship with Darren just so that she could fit in in her school gang... since in the group.. they all had boyfriends and girlfriends. Secindly she had picked Darren because of his social status and calling her a gold digger and a social climber would not be an isult.

"Wakie wakie sleepy head....
Who did you kill this time round?Darren asked her jokingly hugging her and kissed her.

"I haven't killed no one though i almost did" Effie snapped back after the kiss.

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