"Guanlinie,why are you not still going home yet?" I woke up from short nap when i saw guanlin was still laying down on my bed . yeah Today he take care of me oh my private nurse hahaha . I looked at the clocked it was almost reaching to 11.05 pm
" its soon going to be 11.05pm ,are you not going back home ?"I asked him but he was smiling and played his phone ishh
"hey are you listening? " I asked him madly ,He put his phone away and he started to pulled me to go nearer to him and he cuddle me . gulp.. omg guanlin what are you doing . I cant breathe properly
"Kaja,lets sleep more " I push him away but he refused
"yah.. what are you doing?"
"Ish Im going to sleepover your house until youre fine " I widen my eyes? WHAT? he sleeping over my house asdfghjkl I started blushing
"but your going to sleep with Jisung go and sleep with him"
"andae andae andae , Im going to sleep with you .Until youre fine " He said .
"but how about my mum knows.. that youre here"
"chill,i was the one who asked to your mum and dad ,they agreed plus i know you fight with them and you wont go out unless they approach to you so i came here and sleepover ,why you dont like me sleeping beside you "
"aish,im not comfortable sharing with other people " I said ,he chuckle
"well you need to --" he kissed at my bruise .Im shooked
"you need to comfortable ,we will be doing this routine in a 10 years time " Im shocked .. omg ndsnsnsnwjwjsns my heart beat is racing ,i felt my blood was flowing in a happiness .my cheeks were turning more red
"yah ,dont be so confident please we are not dating at all" I said
"we can start dating ,i will accept you no matter what,i dont care if your not pretty but i know you for 3 months and i really want to be at your side and i really like your courage when you came towards me and your intention just to talk with your crush eventho you dont have the urge,you're scared,shy . and i dont care if you have any pimples that located in your face ,It looks pretty and natural to me . dont need to makeup because Makeup will make others guys attracted to you ,i dont want that to happen and its only me can see you wearing a makeup and thats why i want you so badly .
"woo..whaoo.. its that a script or.."
"no, its from my heart ,i really want to be yours ,could you be mine right now?" He said and his face was getting nearer to mine he was expecting a answered
."erm... ----".. that what I answered
" well I take that as a yes then.. "he said and lean towards me and his lips crash to mine ,i wasnt expecting this thing to happend And I kissed his soft lips back and therefore we are officially dating starting from today .
11.11 pm was our first kissed and first dating couple .naiseee
Its 12am in the morning ,Me and guanlin was still wide awake ,we watch annabelle .
"Yah,guanlin can you not move ,i want to watch peacefully"since from the starting guanlin was holding my hands tightly and he even take the blanket away and cover himself hahaha he is scared bro
"yaish,i think i want to sleep first " he said
"hey,you must watch with me "I said
"okay but changed it please im scared " he asked me
"argh fine fine ,what shall we watch?"
"lets watch goblin ,I want to see sungjae ,Im a fan of him" guanlin said and snatch my laptop away
"who is sungjae?"
"dont tell me you dont know sungjae"
"yah,i dont watch dramas ,i watch variety shows or even kpop groups ,i dont hear any of that I only hear USA songs hahahah ."
"Jinja?.Okay then you must watch this show "he said
"okay lets watch" I said and both of us watch goblin until we fell asleep after we had watch 4 episode of it..

nothing without you//Lai guanlin
FanficThis boo consist of mature,depression Tw//abuse and more Im in love with my crush and i cant forget him,If we broke up, I'll start to become depress . Once i deeply fall in love with him,I'll deeply fall for him but after what he did to me .. My fee...