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Lilly sat at her bed in the informality on the carrier, Bruce was unraveling the bandage on her leg.

Her mind was foggy, her life came to a stop, and know she was to be someone different, someone who was not Lilly stark, no more flying in the sky's in her suit , or even be herself!

" Earth to Lilly?" Bruce waved his hand in Lilly's face, she was frozen , looking at nothing.

Lilly was interred, " hu?" Lilly answered.

"Sorry, it's just you've never been so quite" Bruce said

Lilly looked down at her leg, a huge hole was formed. " gahh!" she shuttered.

Bruce chucked " icy huh?"

Lilly sighed " ya, now I'm regretting to not fix that part last night" Lilly said

" What eating you, Lilly?' Bruce asked

" Life" Lilly said

" More than that, Lilly you can trust me.''

Lilly sighed

" Well, my life is ruined, I can't be myself!" Lilly said quietly.

Bruce finished wrapping the bandage up, so she hobbled away.

She just wanted to get somewhere none could find her, or bother her.

" There you are Lilly!" pepper hugged her daughter."come lets go see your room your staying in!" pepper walked with Lilly to her new room.

They opened up a door labeled , Lilly's room. she looked inside the room was small and white, it had a white single bed and a small shelf. with at small bathroom. it was bright and clean, on the bed was a black bag, labeled Lilly.

" If you need me or dad, we're right next door! and don't get to comfy! we're only here for a few days!" pepper said at the door then disappear.

Lilly pout blue cheese down on the bed, and looked in the bag, she found some clothing and under was a medal box, with a lock, she grabbed the necklace that was around her neck , she opened the little dolphin, inside was a small key, she opened the lock, revelling her most favourite blue prints and ideas, she when't thought them all , filly looking at her most prized blue print, she called it stark heart. it was a mechanical heart , but like her fathers reactor. She tried to stuff it under the bed but was blocked by something, she looked under the bed, to find a box, she pulled out the box. on the top was a sticky note.

" Just for you and me, don't tell your mother, love dad"

Lilly opened the box up. she found everything for a little work shop.

She pout it under her bed again, also everything els.

She rolled on to her back and looked up at the ceiling. she slowly drifted to sleep.


(Dream/ flash back)

"Daddy! daddy!" a 5 year old Lilly skipped into her fathers work shop.

"Yes my little bug?" tony said

" Can I welp you!?"

" You sure can, love bug! hand me that tool."

Lilly handed her father the tool.

" Daddy! can I get a iron suit!?"

" Wellll......"

"Pleaseeeeee!!!!" Lilly gave him the

I'm-to-cute-and-you-can't-stand-my-cuteness! stare

" Ok."

"Yaaaaa!" Lilly hugged her father.


(New dream sine)

"Whi don't you use your bluu pwind , to make my suit?" Lilly asked her father making a blue print for Lilly's iron man suit.

" Well my suit uses my reactor , to power it, and you don't have a reactor!"

" Why don't I just get one like yours daddy?"

Tony laughed" because you don't need one!"


(Sene changes)

Lilly was getting into her first iron suit, it was purple and her father was in his. she ran up stares.

"Mommy! mommy look what me and daddy built!"

" It's pretty, Lilly!" pepper said

To the little purple suit , twirling around.


(End of dream)

Lilly woke to nothing, no alarm, no wind , nothing it was just quite.

She grabbed her sckech book and started drawing a new iron suit for her, but adding new tech.

A knock on the door filled the empty room." come in!" Lilly said.

Black widow entered the room.

" To not look like who you are, you've got to change your look, first step

Your hair colour." widow said.

" Come on, let's go change your look."

Lilly followed her down the hallway, and up the elevator. they stopped at a room that looked a lot like a hair studio.

Black widow leaned on a chair. " so what colour shoed you hair be?"

Lilly thought , she might have to have that colour for a long time.

" I want to be a red head, like you."

" Red it is!" widow said

After Lilly became a red head , she was directed to the meeting room, where she found her parents, with diffract hair colours.

Tony sat , not looking to pleased with his hair, it was dirty blond!

Peppers hair was brown.

Tony looked at his daughter , she looked beautiful! " well is that my little trouble maker!?" tony said , hugging his daughter.

" You look nice , Lilly!" pepper hugged.

" How come I was the only one who wasn't aloud to pick my look!?" tony said , rubbing his shaven face.

Lilly giggled." you look funny , daddy." Lilly said

" Maybe because you are a guy." pepper said kissing her husband

" No, because you wanted to stay looking the same." black widow walked in.

Fury walked in" we've arranged you to live in an apartment in New York, you all will have new names, sorry but you can't change them, there already in your ID and passports." fury thought passports and ID at the family.

" Tony your name is Chris , Chris certay, pepper yours is jammy certay, and Lilly , lierena certay."

" Black widow will be jammy's cosine, Brittany , lest. she will show you to your apartment and will check up on you every so often."

Lilly looked at the photo , it looked just like her, the new her, lierena certay.

She was a lierena certay now.

Iron daughter (iron man's daughter fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now