Chapter 17

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Lilly woke, well not really, she woke but her eyes din't open for her.

She heard voices, then nothing, just silents.

She took a deep breath, stopped by the pain in her chest. she was so tired, to tired to think of anything. she just wanted to stay there forever. but her wish became true, she laid there for , who knows how long, she dint know where she was or when it was.

Her eyes felt glued shut, she tried to open them, but the glue was tight.

She laid there, where, she did not know. soon her breaths became longer and slower. she heard the beeps of a machine. she slowly started to move her fingers, feeling the bed under her, soon she was able to move one of her arms, she moved it around, she slowly felt a soft teddy. her arm grabbed it. it took effort to move her arm back.

Just touching the teddy, she new who it was, blue cheeses. she tried to hug the teddy, but was stopped by wires coming from her chest.

She followed the wires to a machine, she tried to open her eyes, slowly her eyes opened, everything was blurry and bright, to bright. the room became more clear. she was in a white room, with a bunch of machines hooked up to her. She sat there , her head was very light, and black spots began to show up once more. She tried to stop moving, to let the spots go away, but she stopped moving long before the spots showed up. Lilly closed her eyes, hoping to for the painful headache to leave. Slowly the spots disappeared. When they did, she fell back into the blackness.

When she woke again, she felt much better, the wires were gone, she felt really tired. she ignored the sleep and opened her eyes, her mother and father both had there heads on the bed and were sleeping, she tried to reach for the table next to her, but her arm failed her. she tried again, but this time she tried her right arm. at that very moment, she saw a bright light in her chest, she lifted her head up to get a better view , it was her robotic heart!

Lilly took her time checking the machine out, it really saved her life. after she went back to trying to find a pen, the pen was gone!

Tony held a pen in his hand" looking for this!?" he said hugging his daughter.

" I new you would try drawing on my face again" he said

"Well, your face it so nice to draw on!" she said releasing that her voice sounded much different and small.

Her mother woke up and also gave her a very happy hug.

"How do you feel?"

"Are you ok?"

" What do you think!?" tony filled her head with questions.

" Woah! slow down daddy!" she said

"My left arm feels asleep, and my heart feels, well..... cold." she said

"But all and all, I feel ok!" She said

She received a happy, tired face from tony.

"You two look like you need some space, so I'm going to go to are room and go to bed, good night!'' Pepper said yawning as she gave Lilly one last hug.

"Sooo, how long have I been out?" Lilly asked her father

"8 days"

Lilly gave a wide eye "really!? 8 days!?"

Tony nodded

After Lilly tried to stand, but her legs where so weak, she had to lean on her dad, a nurse came in and forced her back to bed, though out the day, doctors and nurse checked on her, she felt like she was a prisoner!

Soon it was about 4:30 pm, the last doctor left, she stood up, holding on to the bed for balance, she gave a large stretch. Her head felt light, and she almost tipped over, soon enough she caught herself.after her nice long stretch she started to walk out of the room. the hall way was clear, so she ran for it, at least tried to. Her new heart was working perfectly! she ran/walked to the elevator, the door opened, she hid in a open hospital bedroom, she watched two S.H.E.I.L.D officers walk past walk away down the hallway.

Lilly gave a long sigh. " hiding from someone!?" a voice asked her from behind

She turned around to find cap in crunches staring down at her."what makes you said that!??" she said

Cap looked at the glowing light from Lilly's chest.'' that must be your new heart." he said

"Ya, the only problem is I can't hid in the shadows as well." she said punching her glowing light. captain America, or Steve looked very concerned that she just punched her robotic organ. "don't worry! it won't break, I made it!" Lilly said seeing his concerned face.

"No really, why are you hiding!?" cap said staring at her eyes

"Umm.... ok fine! I don't want to go back to bed! I will die of boredom before tomorrow!" Lilly said trying to act normal, even though she felt like a zombie.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee! I don't want to go back! Pleazzeeee don't tell!" she said giving him her famous puppy eyes.

Captan America sighed. " fine."

Cap started to walk out of the room."where ya going!?" Lilly said following him

" To the mess hall, dinners going to be ready soon"

Lilly's stomach growled the cap laughed " I'm guessing that's a yes!" he said slowly walking to the elevator.

"The doc said that I will walkin normal by next week!" he said looking down at his crunches.
"By the way, how did that happen again, I dint think someone could get the best of you, cap." Lilly said, trying to walk strait and confidant.

"Well it was a door bomb, so when I opens my door a "click" went off and I grabbed my shield" He said walking down the hall to the elevator.

"Man, I think we best stop taking advantage of the helacarryer's hospital! " Lilly said, trying to make the quite hallway noisy. " If I keep this up, i'll know the map in the back of my head!" Steve laughed.

They got into the elevator , it went up. she hid behind cap, just in case someone came in.

"You really don't want to go back to bed do you?" cap said looking at her

"Du!" she said "its a death trap! I hate hospitals! they smell!"

She leaned agents the wall." you ok?" Steve asked, seeing she was very pale.

"Ya, it's just my legs are very weak, but I'm not going back!" she said very firmly

The elevator stopped , they got out, Lilly kept watching the doors and hallways , someone walked by, she hid behind cap, they walked past, not noticing her.

"You are good at hiding!" cap said

"Well how els Can I sneak into my dads lab!?" she whispered

More people started to walk past, they turned into the mess hall. Lilly hid behind cap even more, because of his built body, she could easily hide behind him. Mostly picking out the more likely people who would know who she was and hiding. the cap grabbed a plate and filled it up, Lilly did the same, still keeping an eye out for any other people. Lilly followed cap to a table, she dint want to be eating with strangers. they sat with hockeye and Thor.

" Lilly! your alive!" Thor said giving the girl next to him a huge hug.

"Yes! I'm alive! but not for long if you keep squeezing my organs out!" she said trying to break free

"Oh, sorry."

"So how's the trouble maker doing?" Hackeye asked

" Good but...." she said ducking under the table " Hiding!" she finished her sentients after the close was clear

The two other men looked confused
" Ok! I kinda broke out of my prison sell of a bedroom!" she said

Just then tony came walking to the table.

"Eepp!" Lilly said.............



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