Chapter 28

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"My suit!" tony stared at his suit that was plastered on to the target.

"Yup, and if you want it back, you have to do some target practise!" Hackeye said

"But I will hit my suit!"

"Only if you miss, as you see, the middle is shooting free, if you miss, you hit your armour, if you hit the middle, you get the suit!" Hackeye said

"But!! but!!" tony started to say.

"Dad it's cool,Just have some fun!" Lilly pushed him over to the bow and arrows

"Can't I just barrow yours, Lilly, yours had teck so it will his what I want!" tony said

"And ruin all the fun! no!" she said

Tony sighed, he picked up the bow, he tried many times to get the arrow on the bow, many times he failed.

Hackeye groaned " he, do you serially can't get a arrow on a bow!?" Hackeye grabbed the bow and arrow, he attached them together and gave it back.

Tony pulled the bow back, when he fired, the arrow fell to the ground. Hackeye groaned again. After he figured out how to get the arrow on, he fired again, this time it went halfway to the target. After tony kept failing at hitting the target, Hackeye grabbed the bow from out of his hand and hit the middle of the target.

Tony smirked " thanks, Hackeye!" he said, grabbing the piece of suit and headed out the door. turning on hackeyes mouth hanging.

"Smart, using him at his own game." Lilly skipped beside him.

They entered the next room, Thor was sitting next to another piece on the suit.

Thor stood up."ah, dear stark, Lilly told me to stand here, and to not move, I don't know the rest of the plan." Thor said standing on a piece of suit.

Lilly whispered into her fathers ear." here's the riddle, the young prince sits on a rock, nothing to do, a young man wants the rock, but the prince will not move, the young man must trick him into moving, so get to it!' she said ending with a giggle.

"What?" he said

Lilly pushed him in front of the Thor.

Tony sighed" this is going to be a long day."

Tony walked over to Thor, he started to push on him, sadly he did not move. Lilly so wanted to get a photo of this, he looked very funny.

"Arghh! how can I move you!?" tony said, leaning on Thor. He looked at Lilly, witch was taking photos.

"You've got to do this on your own, daddy." she said

After a few minutes, tony gave a evil smirk, this caught Thor's attention. when the attention was made, tony gave a evil laugh and ran out of the room, with Thor looking confused, he stepped off of the suit and slowly walked over to the door way. tony ran under his legs and grabbed the suit.

"Ha hahahahahaha, you just got pounded!" tony said, dancing around.

"Ah, only one piece left." he said, sticking the suit on, his head was the only thing left un suited.

"Where to next, chef?" tony asked her daughter.

"To the training room." Lilly said, running ahead.

Lilly pressed her watch, it flash green

She ran into the training room. she grabbed her bag and opened to zipper, small medal pieces flew to her, she stood, arms out and legs strait. soon her body was covered in the Phoenix suit, her father ran in, behind her was his iron man helmet.

"So what do I have to do to get my helmet back?" tony asked, full of armour, except for his head.

"Simple, you win a fight agents me, you win, you get the helmet, I win, we fight Again, and again and again...."

"Ok! ok, but that's not fare, I don't have a full suit! and you do!" tony spotted that out.

"Ya, so the villains will never play fare, do you got get prepared!" Phoenix said, opening her blasters in her suit, and giving him a small, friendly blast.

"When did you instal the repulsers?" tony asked, blasting her back

"I've always had them, just in case I need them as a last restores!" she said flying up and pulling out her bow, she shot a hard hollow gram arrow at him, it hit him in the leg.

The fight went on and on, what seemed to be a hour in fact. till a huge THUD! hit the carrier, red lights flashed everywhere, sirens blasted, the two looked at each other, Phoenix tossed Tony's helmet to him, the ran to the control room, everything was kayos!

"What happened! Phoenix asked fury, who was giving orders.

"The avenger slayers! they hacked the system and shut the engine off! we can't get them back online!''

"Don't we have emergency engines?!" Phoenix asked

"Ya, were trying to get them online, but we'll hit the ground before we get them online!" fury said

"What can we do?!" Phoenix asked

"Whatever iron man just did!" fury yelled

Phoenix looked around, iron man was gone. "Jarvis, search for iron man!"

"Scanning, iron man found'' Jarvis said

Phoenix flew out side the of the carrier, iron man was stupidly trying to hold the carrier in the air.

"Iron man, what are you doing!? Phoenix asked

"Trying to bye them some time!" he said in a very stressful way

Phoenix looked down, they were in the middle of New York! there was hundreds of people down there! men, women! parents! children! Phoenix flew under the carrier and started to try to lift the carrier up, at least this would by them sometime to get the engines up, captan America, Hackeye and Thor were on the ground, getting the people out of a three block area.

" Full power to jets and repulsers boots!" Phoenix yelled at her suit, she could feel less energy on her arms. her arms felt like they were on fire.

Phoenix looked down, they were still going to the ground. " I said full power!"

"Miss, Lilly that may not be such a good idea, you need power to run your heart..." Jarvis started to say.

"Then pout it on reserves! and then give the rest of the power to the jets!" Lilly yelled

"Activating power reserves, power reserves activated, directing all power to jets." Jarvis said

Soon both iron man and the flying Phoenix were slowing the carrier down, they were soon stopping it!

"Power reserves at 5%" Jarvis said





"Power reserves gone, shutting down...."

Then everything went black.


Sorry! sorry! it's late I had a few problems, chapter 25 kind of dint save, so I had to make a new one!!

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