Teenage years

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We are now 16 years old! Time pasted quickly... I'm still falling for Jinyoung and the rest of them have understood that. However not all of them agree with this idea, meaning Bambam! He used to be my best friend but he is getting so annoyed with me liking Jinyoung that I don't know what to do anymore! Thank god Yugyeom and the rest of the boys have been incouraging me.
The thing that changed the most during the years is our names! Now we call Yugyeom evil Gyeommie because of the dozen pranks he has pulled on us...

*Flash back*
Y\N- Guys!!! Where are my chocolate bites???!?!!!!
Jb- Sorry Noona.. But we don't know...
Youngjae- Or do we Yugyeom?
Gyeommie- Nooo.... Why should I know?
We all looked at him blanckly.
Gyeommie- OK fine! I took them! Here...
Yugyeom have them to me.
Y\N- Thanks...
That was quick it usually takes us ages to concise him to give our candy back I thought. Then I oppened the little box of chocolates and.... MELTED CHOCOLATE EXPLODES ALL OVER ME!!!
Got6- Ooooh shiiit!!! Yugyeom you ARE DEAD!!!
Y\N- Yes he is!
Then I start chasing him and when I catch him I throw the chocolate on his favorite light blue turtleneck! I basically destroyed it but he took his lesson!

*End of flashback*

Bambam became Dabdab or as I like to call him Bammie! Although I get on his nerves with this one he knows I'm joking. Youngae was now our sunshine cause he would always make us smile. Jb became the Jb hyung cause he is the most concentrated of all of us. Mark is now the joker because he always jokes around. And of course how could I forget my crush Jinyoung? His name was now Junior because he is the youngest out of all of us!

Now Jb and Jr. are trying to get in a the Kpop industry because they've got really good vocals. Luckily for them, but unfortunately for me, they got into JYPEntertainmen and they started JJProject. They've been gone for almost seven months and I really miss them. My birthday is coming up soon and I still haven't heard a word from them!
I'm really sad cause I miss Jr. so freaking much! Luckily, the boys are helping me a lot and that why I love them!
It's the last day before Summer Break and we are writing a History Exam! I hate history the most out of all the lessons! Before we enter the class the hyungs (Mark and Youngjae) run up to me and give me a big hug! Soon enough Gyemmoie and Bammie join us Yugyeom hugs me and Bambam hugs me and kisses me on the cheek ( which is normal cause he's my best friend). When we enter the class one of our class mates screams to me
Girl- You hoe! One isn't enough for you? You need all of them??

***Also smth I didn't say was that they are basically the " cool" and "really handsome" boys from my school that all girls want!***

I basically ignored her but Mark being Mark gave her a death stare. We sit down, the teacher walks in, gives us our exam shits and we start the examination. When we finish we hand in our exams and walk out.

As we're walking home I get a text from Jb:
Jbhyung- I'm coming back this week! I hope I don't miss your birthday!
As soon as I get that text I burst out screaming and crying from happiness! Youngjae is the first one to notice and catches me before I fall. I then show to the boys the text and they are all extremely happy. But Bambam asks me
Bammie- And what about Jr. Y\N?
Me- IDk.
I called jb and asked him about Jr. The response I got was rather dissapointing....
Jb- Sorry Noona but Jr. won't be coming home for your birthday cause it's also his 6month anniversary with his girlfri- aaahh I... I... I mean his female friend....
I had him on speaker so the boys heard what he said
Gyeommie- F*ck it Jb you're not saving it!
Mark- You shouldn't have said it yet Jb!
Youngjae- Jinyoung should have told her...
From all of them the one that surprised me was bambam...
Me- How long have you guys known?
Youngjae- For 5 months....
Bammie- Why didn't you tell me?
Mark- Cause we know you'd tell Y\N!
Now I was crashed I fell down on my knees in the middle of the road.... Enerythinv was going through my mind.... Why didn't he tell me? Did he not trust me? He didn't want to hurt my feelings?

I don't understand... !! I started crying from sadness this time and not from joy! Mark hyung picked me up and offered me a piggy back ride! As we we're going home, Gyoemmie was giggling and I asked what was wrong.
Gyoemmie- Uuuummm Y\N you're bleeding all over Mark's shirt...
He said while trying while trying to hold back his laugh.
Mark- Y\N are you okay??? Why are you bleeding??!!!!???
He said while putting me down.
Y\N- It's a natural thing for girls. It is called a period and we get it very month!
Everyone was laughing while Mark had taken off his shirt and was now trying to take the blood off. Bambam quickly took his jacket of his bag and tied it around my waist. In these kind of moments I can see why our friendship fmhas heald up!
We return home giggling Mark gets home and we could here his mother from the their floor.
Mark- Sorry mom Y\N started his period while on my back when I took her on a piggy back ride.
Mark's mom- Oh okay in that case it's fine...
The boys' moms wee very cool with me and they loved like I was their kid.
A few days later, Jb showed up in my house for my birthday! I was so happy but I still couldn't get over the fact that Jinyoung had a gf for six months! Y\N concentrate it's your birthday! I said to myself and quickly wore something cute cause the boys were taking me out to have fun since it was my 16th birthday.
Youngjae- OK Y\N you have from the whole city to choose from... Where do you want to go?
Jbhyung- Let's go to karaoke!
Jb said and Mark replied
Mark- Is your name Y\N? But OK since Y\N loves karaoke let's go!

Once we arrived we got greeted by the owners who new us really well since we would go to that place ever since we were 9 years old. We got on stage and surprisingly noone was there even if it was a Saturday afternoon.... I didn't think much of it and started jamming on my favorite song. Then the DJ changed the song to the "Bounce" music which is Jb's and Jinyoung's new song. As soon as it started I left the stage in tears cause I remembered Jinyoung. Suddenly I felt the warmth of Jinyoung's hug. I looked up and saw Jinyoung, filled with joy I hugged him back.
Jinyoung- You missed me noona?
Y\N- Of course I did you little dummie!
Jinyoung laughed and went on stage to sing with Jb.

Then a beautiful girl approached me.
???- Hi! I'm Kim Liv. Jinyoung's girlfriend. You must be Y\N... Jinyoung has told me a lot about you!
Sooooo that was her... She looked amazingly beautiful she had long straight ginger hair and beautiful blue eyes. Youngjae and Mark were staring at her with their mouths wide open waiting for my answer. So j faked a smile and responded.
Y\N- Oh Hi! I'm Y\N nice to meet you too. How did you guys mee-
Before I even got the chance to finish my sentence Bambam burst through the door with a nice big purple light blue box, with Yugyeom following him with a big green box. Knowing Yugyeom I opened Bambam's box first where I found an amazing Gucci purse where I could put everything! He is a Gucci god and he knows how to melt my heart! I love him! I hugged him and then kissed him on the cheek for the first time cause he would usually be the one to kiss me.
Then I carefully opened Yugyeom's box which included not only a lot of fake snakes to scare me but also a picture of the 8 of us when we first became friends and a picture of the 8 of us a few months ago before Jinyoung and Jb left...
My evil Gyeommie acted for once really nice and I smilled at him and hugged him!

Falling in love with my got7 best friend [[ COMPLETED ]]Where stories live. Discover now