Chapter 5 - Zara

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I am suddenly pulled back into reality as I hear a shout.

"Zara, are you okay?" Blaze asks, as he begins to put his hand on my shoulder.

But when his fingers just slightly graze my shoulder, I flinch away from him. Blaze's expression becomes that mixture of hurt and rage. Everyone's facial expression becomes that of hurt and rage.

"I'm sorry, Blaze. I know it is you, but I can't help it. I think it is best if you don't touch me without my consent. And, yes, I am okay. I mean, why wouldn't I be?" I try to act like my usual self to distract everyone from what just happened. It doesn't work. Blaze with conviction is his voice tells me,

"Because for the last three and a half minutes you have just been standing there with a look of deja vu on your face that twisted into complete sorrow and depression."

"I'm fine. Let's move on to the next page of the file," I demand, so that way everyone will know to drop the subject.

With concern in Blaze's eyes, he takes a step towards me and states,

"Zara, why don't you let us take it from here? You need to rest."

"What part of 'I'm fine' do you not understand? I said, let's move on, so that is exactly what we are going to do. And that is the end of it."

I can't believe I just let myself remember that right now. You would think I would at least be able to control my thoughts and memories after all these years. I already remember it enough when I get my 5-10 minutes of sleep each night, because ever since that night, it comes back and haunts me in my dreams. It becomes my night terror. And a full night's sleep for me is 15 minutes.

Anywho, the rest of the file was just a bunch of boring reports. But one of the reports did prove Smith's innocence. Now that we found what we wanted, I quickly shut down the screen.

"Alright, Smith, you're clean. Now, why don't you tell me who the man is that killed my parents?"

"Zara, I wish I could. But I don't know. I thought you already knew who he was."

The fact is, I do know who killed my parents. I found out who on the 3rd day of my captivity, so I have to put up the front that I still don't know who killed my parents. Because I am not ready to explain, yet.

"You shouldn't assume, Smith, because all you are doing is making an ass out of you and me. He kept his identity hidden the whole time. After killing my parents, he drove me down to one of the Agency's main buildings. So I know he is working for the Agency and that the Agency is part of my parents' death. But the moment he dropped me off, he disappeared without a trace. Like he was never even there."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But do you think we could take a break? It is only 12:30 in the morning, and if the morning is going to be this long, I can only imagine what the rest of the day is going to be like."

I let a sigh escape through my lips. I want to avoid slowing down as much as possible at this moment in time. I know that if I stop and rest, I won't get back up. At least, not for a few hours. Or days.

"Fine. Take the next hour off. One of you show Smith his room since he is going to be staying with us for awhile. And, Smith, you don't have to worry about your wife and children. I will have a message sent to them explaining the situation. Then I will put them in our protective care."

"Thank you, Ms. White."

"And stop calling me that. It is Princess or if you want to be like the Agency, it is Angel of Death now, unless it is a serious situation, then it is Zara."

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