[chapter 1 - Starting out]

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Author's note
While writing this I'm listening to one song on loop so yeah just wanted to let you know that. The song is Lil intro vert by anthem 2k, in case you were wondering.

Izuku Midoriya, a young boy who was only 4 years old at the time, was currently with his mother at the quirk doctors office to see what kind of quirk he'd get. To say Izuku was excited was quite an understatement, just by looking at the small green haired child you could sense he was oozing with enthusiasm.

Ever since izuku started talking he wanted to be a hero, it was evident mostly because being a hero is all he would talk about, well, that and his and a lot of other people's favorite hero, All Might. If you were to look in his room you could tell that Izuku's favorite hero was All Might, he had posters, toys, clothes and even more that were All Might based.

Anyway back to the story, the author likes to stretch out their story's to make them longer. This was evident especially now, as you can probably see.

"Well Mrs.Midoriya, it seems that Izuku should be getting his quirk soon enough, as you can see from this x-ray." Inko Midoriya looked at the chart a bit confused, it was just an x-ray of Izuku's foot. "What exactly does that mean?" She asked a bit confused. The doctor looked back that her with a smile as if he was waiting for this question to be asked.

"Well you see, when quirks first started to show up, tests where taken to try to explain this phenomenon what they found out is that the people with quirks lacked the extra joint in their pinky toe's. The 80% of the population with quirks lack this extra toe joint, the other 20% have this joint. Izuku here lacks that extra toe joint so I believe he'll get a quirk soon" He said.

Hearing this Izuku was both excited and relieved, relieved because he was anxious about when his quirk would come in, and excited because with this news in mind he could become a hero! He would definitely achieve his dream and save people with a smile.

~Ten years later~

Orudera Middle school, this is where we can find Izuku Midoriya at the moment. "You guys are third years, so you should think seriously about your futures!" Some of the students quietly groaned at the teacher's words until..." Now I would pass out these career aptitude tests but, why bother! You all want to be heros don't you!" Their teacher exclaimed enthusiastically.

The class went into an uproar, all but two students flaunting their quirks like some expensive jewelery or something like that. The teacher smiled "now now, you all have wonderful quirks, but you're not allowed to use them in school." A student jumped out of his seat and onto his desk, it was none other than Katsuki Bakugo.

"Teach, don't lump me in with the rest of these extras, they'd be lucky to end up the sidekick of some b-list hero!" The rest of the students were pretty pissed at that, saying things like "you think your better than us Katsuki!?" And stuff. "I'm going to get into U.A. and become the richest, most famous, and strongest hero!" Katsuki said to the class.

The class was a bit surprised "U.A., isn't their exception rate really low?" " Yeah I'm pretty sure." And other comments arose, "oh yeah, didn't Midoriya also want to get into Yuuei?" Why did the teacher ask this, he could've left it alone.

Izuku's P.O.V

'oh great, here it comes.' Izuku thinks to himself with a dull expression on his face. 'The class is bursting into laughter, at my expense of course, well at least I can say that I do have a quirk, but then again they don't know that.'

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