Chapter 24: Infiltrators

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Chapter 24: Infiltrators

Jyn twirls the wrench in her hand, humming a tune while watching Cassian load things into their U-Wing. They are outside of the hangars, where they have a clear view of the tall, enormous pyramid-shaped structure in front of them. Cassian knew they were getting close to finding out what the Empire's next move is, and he took the liberty of prepping their U-Wing ship with the necessary field supplies. Though, only Cassian was doing the task himself, while Jyn just sat on the metal crate behind him, twirling & staring at the wrench in her hand.

"I always wondered why you like this ship." Jyn mentions after a couple of minutes. Cassian turns to her after wiping a drip of sweat off his brow, and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I just like it, okay?" Cassian replies instantly, raising his voice slightly. Jyn tries her best to hold in a laugh because she knew Cassian was becoming stressed in the heat of Yavin 4's weather that particular day, and he wanted to complete the tasks as soon as possible.

"There's got to be a reason why, Captain." Jyn says, trying to aggravate him further to her amusement.

After throwing a bag of medical supplies into a small storage compartment in the cabin of the U-Wing, Cassian swiftly turns to Jyn with an annoyed face. "It looks good. Is that good enough!?"

Jyn laughs as Cassian sighs in frustration. "Whatever you say, Cassian." Jyn says, though she knew Cassian had more reasons to like the U-Wing.

Cassian now lays on the ground flat on his back, so that he can get a clear view of the underside of the U-Wing. Noticing some errors that need to be fixed, Cassian points to the toolbox that is next to Jyn. "Can you hand me those pliers?"

Grabbing the pliers from the toolbox and holding it up, Jyn pauses for a moment. ".....Magic word." She then says, biting her lip to try to hold in a laugh.

Cassian clenches a fist, for the frustration was building up already. "PLEASE." He says loudly, indicating his seriousness.

Jyn couldn't help but let out the chuckle, and she hands Cassian the pliers. "So...have you ever flown in one of those things?" She asks, turning her head towards one of the fighter aircrafts just about yards away from them.

Wondering which aircraft Jyn is referring to, Cassian pulls out some bolts & nuts from under the U-Wing before glancing at her a quick moment. "Which one?"

"That one." Jyn points at the starfighter. It is a gray starfighter with scarlet stripes on its sides and its wings. Its wings were shaped like an X, and it had an astromech service droid mounted right behind the cockpit.

Cassian shifts his gaze over to the starfighter that Jyn was pointing at. He sees it, and stares at it for a brief moment. "T-65B X-Wing."

"Mhhmmm." Jyn says in reply.

Cassian nods before refocusing on the repairs he was performing underneath his U-Wing. "Once or twice."

Jyn thought for a moment. She has only seen the X-Wings upon her first arrival to the Rebellion as a captured prisoner/criminal, and she has also seen them in action on Eadu, where one of the missiles from an X-Wing killed her father. 'They're surprisingly faster than the U-Wing.' Jyn thought. And that reminded her of the memories when she was 16 years old, when she was always constantly flying in the skies to escape from the grasps of the Empire. One of those flying moments was one that will forever remain in her heart, and that was the memory of flying with Hadder Ponta, her deceased former lover, her very first true love. Back when he was still alive, he wanted to learn to fly like a fighter pilot, all so that he could be a rebel in a huge cause, though Jyn already experienced being a rebel before he wanted to, and it was painful for her at the time. But, she couldn't force him to not go. However, he decided to stay with her, because he loved her that much, until his and his mother's deaths, leaving Jyn alone and single for the years up until the day she met Cassian, the day she agreed to join the Rebellion.

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