Chapter 36: Her Unforgotten Memory

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Chapter 36: Her Unforgotten Memory

Punch after punch.

Blow after blow.

Fist after fist.

Groan after groan.

Scream after scream.

Pain after pain.

Suffering after suffering.

That was how it was for Jyn and Cassian in the brig of the Empire's Death Star II for the past couple of hours. Jyn and Cassian were helpless, since they were the only Rebels onboard the Imperial station with their wrists & ankles in tight restraints. A couple of Stormtroopers were standing in front of Jyn and Cassian inflicting as much pain and damage to them as they could. They used a wide range of torture weapons, such as melee batons, stun rods, using the stock butt of their blasters, their fists, slaps to the cheeks, droids, and other things. Jyn and Cassian were basically sitting ducks that had the life being drained from them. They were being held in the space station against their will.

Jyn spat her blood from her mouth, for blood was bleeding from her lips, and they stained her teeth. Her head hung down as the Stormtrooper took a moment to recover from delivering a long series of punches and kicks to her. Jyn breathes rapidly to gasp for air, and Cassian, on the other hand, felt angrier the more he watched Jyn suffer physically. He ignored every bit of physical pain that he endured from the Stormtrooper that was beating him. He could feel his lips pressing against each other, because his anger started to conquer him, though he knew he was not able to move & retaliate because of the restraints.

The Stormtrooper in front of Jyn finally speaks. "We could go on all day if you'd like."

After gasping in enough air, Jyn raises her head to look at her Stormtrooper with groggy-looking eyes and speaks back at him. "'re all......." Jyn gulps to swallow, then she coughs. Then she continues to finish. ".....You're all monsters." She mutters miserably, but a hint of her true angered self could be sensed in her words by Cassian, since he knew her too well already.

The Stormtrooper punches Jyn in the face again. "Think what you want. You are the scums that this galaxy doesn't need." The Stormtrooper says harshly.

Cassian glares at Jyn's Stormtrooper angrily and shakes his head slowly. "I hope you die with your words, psychopathic jerk."

The Stormtroopers both proceed to beat Cassian, and Cassian groans in pain with each punch as Jyn watches helplessly, with anger flowing in each vein in her body. With each punch Cassian sustained, Jyn's teeth pressed against each other harder in anger. She felt so weak, so miserable, so humiliated, and so helpless. She wondered how much longer she and Cassian could take all this pain, and how much longer until something happens.

Suddenly, Jyn realizes something. This imprisonment, this torture, it all brought back terrible memories: terrible memories of being a prisoner in her late teens and up to the point until she was recruited into the Rebellion by K-2SO and Cassian. She felt this misery in the labor prison camp on Wobani 2 years ago, and after believing she was going to live torture-free & as a freed woman, she realized she is wrong. Though she hoped this was temporary. She faced the pains and terrors of being a prisoner before, and she was used to it because she knew her way around prisons. Prison is what created Jyn's reckless, aggressive, undisciplined behavior, aside from inheriting the trait from her mother, Lyra.

When the door of the cell opens, another Stormtrooper enters holding Jyn's lightsaber, which causes her to eye it immediately. Then, the two Stormtroopers beating Cassian stop the assault on him. The Stormtrooper with Jyn's lightsaber speaks. "Take a load at this thing! She can't have it back anymore! Let's see how she likes it on the other end of the blade!" He says as the other two Stormtroopers start laughing.

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