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eddie did not like summertime. the blinding rays of the sun scorched eddie's skin and gave him an unpleasant sunburn. the bees would sting in summer, and the mosquitoes would suck and suck and suck the blood out of his skin until it was pallid. but his friends changed that. the one thing he liked about summer was the fact that he could spend it with his friends.

he had known them all his life. they protected him, they loved him. they cherished him. but of them all, there was one he loved the most.

                            His best friend.

that was none other than the richie tozier. with an unbreakable confidence and a mouth oh-so-beautiful and such vulgar words slipping through his lips— eddie somehow liked him a lot. sure, he was quite annoying, maybe a little boisterous and wild. but he was okay.

he was more than okay.

he was in fact, wonderful in eddie's eyes.

eddie and richie were the best of friends since around the age of seven. the two males were absolutely in love, smitten over one another, and they didn't even know it.

                   They still don't know.



Where do we start?

it was mid-July. eddie woke up to the piercing sound of the chirping birds. Summer of '89, typical day in the life of eddie kapsbrak. miserable. his mother was rambling on the phone about something he didn't understand. he heard something at the window. someone was throwing rocks. it was bill.

"h-hey eddie, w-we're gonna go d-down b-by the l-l-lake, wanna c-come?"

"sure, bill, i just gotta sneak out, my mom's gonna kill me if she finds out i'm gonna be in the same place as richie fricking tozier."

bill chuckled and smiled. he had a feeling that one day richie and eddie would finally realize they were madly in love.

"a-alright eds. i-if y-y-you need m-me t-to help you..."

"it's alright bill, i know how to manipulate my mom."

eddie smiled.

bill smiled. he said he'll wait for him outside.

"hey mom, i'm going to the store to pick up some band-aids. my friend...bobby got a scrape on his knee, and he needs me to help him."

eddie's mother smiled at him.

"i'm glad you're helping your new friend eddie. you may go."

"thank you Mom!" eddie almøst bolted out the door, but his mother grasped him by the arm delicately.

"aren't you forgetting something?"

eddie sighed and kisses his mother on both cheeks and said goodbye.

"C-come on eddie!" bill brightly beams at eddie as they ride their bikes to the lake.

Innocent, sweet, summery, serene.

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