Jackie's Secret

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Marco POV
I got back to my house and plopped onto my ugly couch flipping through the channels. Nothing good is on so I turn off the TV and head up to my room before hearing..."Space Unicorns soaring through the sky."

I look at the contact name it was Jackie I decided to pick up she was my friend and I had nothing better to do anyway.
J: Hey Marco

M: Hey Jackie what's up

J: Well I need help

M: With what

J: Okay so their is this person and I don't know if I'm into to them or not...how do you know you have a crush on someone.

M: Well... it's hard to explain but every time you see them your heart skips a beat and anytime your around them you feel as if nothing could touch you no matter what happens you feel like they are with you forever.

J: Thanks could you meet me at the park in about five minutes.

M: I'm on my way

J: Okay Bye

M: Bye

I hung up the phone call and started to the door opening it and walking out of it. I walk about a quarter of a block and reach the park. I see Jackie under our "Friendship Tree" and she seemed to be crying or stressed. When is Jackie Lynn Thomas ever stressed.

I wave to her and get her attention before she walks over to me. "I really need to tell you something Marco it's been on my mind for a while," she explained she seemed nervous frightened even.

"Come here," she said dragging me over to our tree.

"I-I I think I have a thing for...Janna," she stuttered.

Okay pause real quick a) did I just hear Jackie stutter and b) did she just say she likes Janna.

"Jackie what makes you think that," I said in disbelief it was hard to process that one of my best friends had a thing for my other best friend who was a girl.

"It's like what you said every time I am around her my heart flutters and my stomach gets filled to the brim with butterflies. This feeling is almost scary what if my parents don't except me what if Janna doesn't like me," she was rambling like there was no tomorrow.

"Jackie...your parents shouldn't care if you like girls or not. I think Janna likes you too her mannerisms are so weird and different when she's around you," I explained giving her a soft smile.

She smiled back "You really think so."

"I know so."

She engulfed me in a tight hug "Thank you Marco I can always count on you."

I returned the hug quickly before we let go. Jackie got up from her spot and left me there "Later dork," she said before riding off on her skateboard.


I look over at the small duck pond off in the distance just thinking and wandering about everything. I looked down at my phone to see it was 12:45 and that I should probably get some lunch. I walk down by the mall into the food court to see what was good I looked at the different things and decided on nachos my personal favorite. I grab the cheesy chips and sit at a table only to see Star walking in.

She was wearing a white crop top and high waisted blue Jean shorts. She was covered in dirt and mud her hair was a tangled mess. She walked near my table without looking at me. "Hey beautiful," I called out.

That was a stupid decision on my part she grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me close to her face she looked like she was going to burst. As soon as she looked at me her expression softened "Oh...Diaz don't call me beautiful when I look like I have been dragged through a grave yard," she said as she sat in the seat in front of me.

"So...what happened to you," I asked as she picked a twig out of her long golden locks.

"We got a new girl her names Courtney and she like five but she is strong and she pretty much tried to fight me to the death," she explained while brushing out the mud stuck in her hair.

"Where is she now?"

"Oh...I left her back home with Layla," she explained.

I watched as she struggled to get herself remotely clean it made me chuckle a bit. "Hey you wanna come over to my house and get cleaned up," I asked.

She shrugged and lifted up a Khol's bag filled with clothes. "Yeah sure," she said before we got up and left the mall to my house.

We arrived at my place and Star rushed straight to the bathroom with her clothes and a towel I had thrown to her. I sat on the couch and waited until I heard a knock on the door. I open the door to see the woman and man who gave me life...my parents.
"Marco," they said in unison.

They embraced me into a bone crushing hug. They released me and  I gasped for air to fill my lungs. "Mom Dad I didn't know you two were coming so soon," I said holding my breath a bit.

They just smiled and went to the kitchen "Whatcha cookin," mom said walking over to the nacho cheese I was preparing even though I just ate nachos.

"Just some nachos my favorite how about you both sit down and I will make you both a bowl ,"I said as they smiled and nodded sitting down on the couch.

15 minutes later.

I place the bowls in front of my parents and sit down beside them only to hear Star come out of the bathroom. "Thanks by the way Marc-," she started before making eye contact with both of my parents.

"Marco you didn't tell is you had a girlfriend," my mom said walking up to Star observing her.

I blush. "Mom this isn't my girlfriend this is my good friend Star."

My mom looked at me then back at Star slightly disappointed. "Oh well very nice to meet you Star. I am Angie and this is my husband Rafael," she said gesturing toward my dad.

Star smiled. This wasnt a sarcastic smile this was a real smile wich Star rarely ever did. "Well it was nice to meet you as well. But I need to head out. Thanks again Marco bye."

Star left and my parents stared at me like in my soul at me. My dads question filled the silence that surrounded us,"Marco you like that girl don't you."

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