Hospital Bed

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After school she didn't bother changing back into that stupid dress, she walked to her house which wouldn't be hers much longer. One day I couldn't even go one day with this woman. Star walked into the house and was confronted by Stacey. "Star...what are you wearing," she asked looking at Star's leggings and    t-shirt.

"Clothes," she stated as she put weight on her right leg.

"I hope you will go change."

Star looked down at her outfit "No I am done with your stupid rules I'm moving out," she yelled.

Stacey laughed "You can't 'move out."

"Yes I can I am eighteen," Star said and left the house running toward Marco's house.

She knocked on the door quickly; Marco opened the door and looked at Star confused. "Star what are you doing here...Stacey will kill y-," Marco began before being cut off by Star's lips.

"Get inside handsome I will explain it to you," she said walking passed him and went to the couch.

Marco shut the door and sat next to his girlfriend. "Star what is it."

"I moved out of my house...I was going to ask if I could stay here with you," she said with a smile.

"Of course you can you don't have to ask twice," he said with a chuckle.

Star giggled and cuddled up next to Marco. They flipped through channels and eventually watched a random movie they found. Then a knock was heard at the door; Star groaned and answered the door. She saw two people a man and a woman standing there in shock. "Star," they said in unison.

"Hello that's me," she said with an annoyed voice.

"Umm...we are your...Parents," they said with hesitation.


Marco heard her shouts and came over to the door. "Hello who are you."

"We are Star's parents," the woman said.

Star shook her head and backed up to the couch. "Star we want you to come with us and live with us so we can be a happy family again,"  the man who claimed to be her father said.

"NONONONONO YOU LEFT ME FOR DEAD," she yelled and ran off into the street only to be hit by a car.

Marco saw this and ran up to her yelling her name, he picked up her body that was still breathing but slowly. He dialed 911 and she was rushed to the hospital.

Time Skip

Star's eyes fluttered open as she groaned in pain. She could barely sit up before Marco came in with flowers
and sad eyes. He looked over at Star's bed to see she was awake. "Star,"he said running to her hugging her gently due to her injuries.

"Marco...what happened," she asked in the most innocent tone.

"You were hit by a car when you ran out. You have a broken leg a fractured rib and a broken shoulder blade," he said looking down taking Star's hand into his.

Star looked down at their hands and smiled lightly. "How long was I out a couple hours minutes," Star said with a slight giggle.

Marco looked up concerned "Star you have been out for 6 weeks."

Day 1 (This part is slightly very slightly based off of "Never more Awkward After we collided" it is a dipcifica story and I suggest you check it out)

Star layed in the bed with light breathing and tear stained cheeks. Marco looked at her casts and wraps that covered her once untouched body. He couldn't help but cry this beautiful person might be ripped out of his life. Her so called parents walked in and stood next to the bed.

"How is our baby girl," the woman said in her odviously practiced accent.

Marco looked up at the couple and shot a dead glare at them. "You can't call her your baby gave up that right when you left her to die and now because of you she might die."

The couple didn't bother to argue they just kept their heads low and left.

Day 2

Marco walked into the room to see doctors checking on her. She was still breathing to everyone's surprise. The doctor saw Marco and walked over to him. "Hello Mr.Diaz I am Dr.Dalane...your girlfriend is stable and it looks like she will make it but she will be in a coma for quite a while," the doctor said before exiting the room.

Marco looked down at Star and smiled. "You hear that beautiful your going to make it."

Day 3

Dasha walked into the hospital room with Marco by her side. She looked at her sister and tears ran down her face. "Quess what Star we got rid of Stacey. We have a new Mom her name is Ava she is amazing and would love to meet you."

Marco looked down at the girl as she said this and smiled he knew everyone loved her so much. He wish he would have relized his feelings sooner and maybe this would have been easier.

Dr.Dalane also became good friends with Marco and often tried to cheer him up.

Week 2

Janna and Jackie walked in hand in hand looking down at their friend. They were so shocked, that their friend was in this condition. Marco was passed out in the chair next to her.

"Jackie...I want to tell you now that I love you so much. And if we ever end up in the same situation as Star and Marco just know I wouldn't give up on you," Janna said lightly kissing Jackie's cheek.

Week 3

Sam was the girl who hit Star she was also Star's other foster sister. She brought all of the girls even little courtney. She felt horrible for what she did even though it was an accident. Her and Star were always competing for approval and Sam would always get it.

She wanted nothing more than to go back in time and bond with her older sister instead of competing with her.

Week 4

Marco was broken he didn't know what to do with himself at this point he was so lost and sad. He didn't eat or sleep he didn't want to. If he slept he might miss the moment when Star wakes up. If he ate he would feel guilty that Star couldn't eat too.

Week 5

Some people by week 5 might pull the plug but not this family. They couldn't and wouldn't give up on their shooting Star. She was a ball of lightning she always satisfying people but most importantly left Marco feeling helpless.

Ferguson and Alfonzo had come as well to check on their friend but no progress she still layed their almost limp.

Week 6

Most of Star's injuries had healed except the broken leg and shoulder blade. One night she had rustled around and groaned giving Marco hope that she was awake. Only to relized she just had a night mare. He held her hand to comfort her before he had dozed off to sleep.

Week 7 (present)

Star had teats in her eyes she felt horrible for scaring her friends like that for scaring Marco like that. "I'm so sorry,"she said embracing him.

"Star it wasn't your fault,"Marco whispered into her hair.

"I'm was though I shouldn't have ran off," she cried.

"You were going through lots of emotions Star do not blame yourself," he argued, "but promise me if it IS in your control don't ever do that again."

"I promise."

She lightly kissed Marco on the lips before Marco went to go find a doctor so they to could rejoice.

If you can tell me all of my song references I will give you a shout out. When in doubt ship it out. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ BYEEEE

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