Double Date Dilemma

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Jackie's POV (ik weird)

I looked over at Janna who was tapping her pencil against her desk. Tip tap tip tap is all I heard. She took a wisp of hair and placed it behind her ear which made me turn red. What is wrong with me why does this girl make me feel this way.

Sometimes I wonder how did I get into this position of liking my best friend. It's insane I am insane she won't like me Marco was just being nice like always. Janna looked over and smiled waving me over to sit next to her. I grabbed my stuff and walked over to the brunette. "Hey Jackie," she said flashing a smirk at me.

"H-hey Janna," I stuttered before gulping.

"Are you feeling alright it kinda sounded like you stuttered," she said placing a hand on my forehead causing me to blush.

I calmed myself as I saw that it seemed like Janna was going to something. "I know this is weird wanna go on a date. I mean I understand if your not into girls but I wondering because I convinced Marco to ask out Star, so we set up a double date if your down," Janna rambled.

I giggled a bit and nodded my head "Yeah sure," I said.

Her eyes became saucers "Are you serious."

I nodded and she gave me a giant bare hug. We both giggled before the bell wrangler for our class to start.

Meanwhile Back with Marco
Marco's POV

Why didn't I just ask her myself like what Janna told me to do I'm such an idiot or why did Star Butterfly ask me out what in the world did I ever do to get her to ask me out. I'm a loser. "Loser," I whispered to myself.

The bell rang and I rushed to my first class where I saw Janna and Jackie blushing and flirting like two idiots in love. Janna looked up from starring into Jackie's eyes only to spot me and wave me over. "Hey nerd," she said punching me playfully in the arm.

"I see your plan went well," I said gesturing to the love struck Jackie.

"Yeah it did but how about you and Star."

"Wellllllll it didn't go according to plan."

"I'm sorry dude I know you really like her."

"No I got a date with her but she asked me out instead of the other way around."

"Wow that girls a go getter."

I chuckled and sat in the desk next to Jackie who was still blushing. The teacher started ranting about some school stuff I wasn't really listening I was to busy thinking about Star. Her beautiful eyes her long hair her cheek marks. Everything about her was and is perfect.

Meanwhile Star's POV

What is wrong with me? Marco was probably just trying to be nice no one loves me and no one ever will. It won't be to long before Layla kicks me out. Marco and being 18 is very confusing I just need to breath. I took a deep breath in and concentrated on the teacher. "Sandy has 22 chocolate bars-," the teacher said before I tuned her out.

Chocolate it reminded me of Marco's hair and eyes that matched his beautiful caramel skin and his lips that was covered in that skin. I smiled to my self thinking about what it would be like to kiss those caramel lips. I closed my eyes and fell asleep right in my desk.

"Wow Star you look beautiful."

"You don't look half bad yourself Diaz."

"I have never met anyone like you before."

"Diaz trying to be a flirt to I see but that's my thing."

"Why can't it be our thing," Marco smirked as he leaned in.

I leaned as well only to be interrupted by the voice of Marco saying "Star Star."


I woke up to see Marco, Janna, Jackie, Jillian and Savannah looking over me. "Oh my god how long was I out," I screamed.

Marco looked down at his watch "Only...all day."

My eyes widened and I jumped out of my seat "Holy crap."

Marco put his hand on my shoulder causing me to blush. I calmed down. Everyone filled me in on the day; me ,Savannah and Jillian all went back home to prepare me for my date.

Time Skip to Janna's house Noone POV

Jackie and Marco had arrived at Janna's place waiting for Star to arrive. Janna already picked out a movie and snuggled with Jackie while Marco sat at the corner and waited. "Can we start the movie already it's pretty clear Star's not showing anytime soon," Janna complained as Jackie played with her hair.

"Fine," Marco sighed.

About fifteen minutes into the movie a knock was heard at the door. Marco answered it and it revealed Star. "Hey there hottie," Star said with a wink.

Marco looked at Star confused and looked over at the girls who were to detracted making out then helping Marco. Star through her arms over Marco's shoulders slamming there torsos together. She got close to Marco's face breathing in his nose. "Your breath smells like tequila," Marco remarked.

Star intertwined her fingers with Marco's chocolate locks. "Alrighty let's go," Marco said throwing Star over his shoulder.

She starred at Marco's butt before saying,"The views nice from down here."

Marco walked Star to his house and threw her on the couch. Marco sat down next to her and flippled through channels while Star was giggling and twirling her hair. "You know handsome I wonder what those caramel lips of yours taste like," she said smacking her lips.

She crawled over to Marco and put her hands near his hips keeping her balance coming closer to his mouth. He tried to back up only to hit the couch's arm and got stuck. He gave in and put one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek. He let their lips connect and mold together.  Although her lips tasted like alcohol he loved every second of it before they released. "Good job Diaz," she said complimenting his kissing skills.

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