Chapter 4

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Dara ended up not going to Seoul with her siblings at all. The night she was supposedly scheduled to fly to Korea, Jiyong found her spotted flannel-clad figure shivering on the bench. As soon as she saw him she shooed him away. “Don’t go near me or you’ll get the spots, too.”

He advanced despite her warning. She hid her face from him. Her spotted forehead was still showing and Jiyong gave it a flick with his finger to get her attention. “Is that how you treat a sick person? Go away or you’ll get chickenpox like me.” She grumbled at him with her head still down hidden behind her curled knees and crossed arms.

“We’re in a dream, silly. Germs can’t cross into your dreams.” He said as he pulled her hands away from her face.

“Yah! No! I don’t want you to see my face.” Dara cowered away from him. 

“So that’s the real reason.” Jiyong forced her arms away from her face. “Let me see.”

She finally looked up at him. He sat beside her, gripped her chin gently but firmly and turned it from side to side. “Hmm. You’re worrying for nothing if you ask me.”

“Chincha?” Dara smiled hopefully up at him.

“Uhuh. You’ve got really nothing to worry about. You still look the same.” He grinned widely at her and paused for effect. “Still the same level of ugly.”

“Yah!” Her elbow shut out and connected with his soft abdomen causing him to give an involuntary but audible oomph.

A/N: Hey, guys... Got you a really really short update. A filler episode. No plot development. Just a little something to show you guys a little more on how they interact with each other before their little dream paradise falls apart.

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