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A few hours after he faint, Hinata was finally up and running. Well, not really running. Her face was flushed red and her whole body was reaching boiling point even if it felt like she had frost bites. Lifting her hand up to her forehead, she sighed quietly and mumbled, A fever... Everything around her seemed stranger and new. Which, of course, only scared her more. 

Lifting her body up, she walked around the room for a second to see where she was. This certainly wasn't a hostage situation and there was a window, a window looking out at rows and rows of the trees that made up Konoha forest. And then it struck her. Everything that happened earlier that night came flooding back to her and before she knew it, just face was once again blushing beat red.

"You're hot"

Now, anyone else in Konoha would have been happy to revive such a praise. Especially from one of the most attractive, single man in the whole Village. However, Hinata was not just anyone. She was a proper raised, shy and loyal girl. And that's how she imagined herself to be in a relationship too.

She took a few steps out of the room and through another door, which was a bit further down the hall but it was the first one she saw so she would investigate. A source of curiosity arose within her, something that made her want to look and around, no matter how wrong she knew it was. Inside, Hinata saw something she could only picture in her dreams.


Sasuke stood by a dark marble counter with a knife in one hand, and a bowl of different vegetables in the other. His mind was over flowing with guilt due to what happened last night. Not only had he given the poor girl a cold by making her faint in cold snow, but he'd also seen her whole body in such revealing clothes. Though that part wasn't entirely his fault, but either way - if Neji found out, there wouldn't be anymore Uchiha left. 

He placed down the vegetables and started chopping them as quickly as possible. He then placed them all in a pot of boiling broth and turned on his heel to go check on the sick girl currently resting on his bed.

"A-Ano... U-Uchiha-san?" His eyes snapped and locked onto the person at the door of his kitchen. Her whole body was shaking, he could tell it wasn't out of fear, but it being from her fever didn't make him feel any better.

"Bed." He demanded. Hinata shook her head slowly, a determination filling her as she took a few steps into the room.

The second she did, Sasuke got to have a better look. Her tiny feet and long legs were bear for him to see. The night dress she wore only started covering after midway up her milky thighs, not that anyone was complaining. The dress was tight around her rather large bust and hips, which just happened to be the top two of the Uchiha's favourite parts of the female anatomy.  Between the two however, was her waist line, which just seemed to smooth inward to form gorgeous curves.

"U-Uchiha-san...?" Ignoring her, he moved onto inspect other parts off her body. The next thing he noticed was her hair. Long, dark and very well kept. It fell down her back like a glossy, Silk rode - impossibly perfect in every way and in Sasuke's opinion, it was much better than the dried, bristly do that belonged to a certain pink haired Kinochi. Biting his lip, he then noticed something which he had taken a liking to may years ago. Her all around beauty.

It wasn't news to anyone with eyes that Hinata was in fact one of the most beautiful women in Konoha. Her looks were perfect for gently capturing the attention of anyone who happened to pass. Rose red lips that only spoke when spoken to and didn't bellow like a banshee. Large moon eyes that held such innocent fascination for anyone and anything. Long black lashes that framed her eyes perfectly. And most importantly, she had her Byakugan. "U-Uchiha-san...!!" She said, her voice like a quiet scream. 

"Hm?" The Uchiha popped back into reality as he glared at the young girl. Her meek defense was off putting, and her shy posture was distracting him from thinking. His mind should be focused on important things, not a girl's bust! "T-Thank you for l-letting her sleep here..." He nodded in response and walked over to check on the food. "I-I should r-really get go-going now..." Sasuke grabbed her arms as quickly as he could and placed a hand on her forehead. The cold of his hand spread through her body, almost melting her as she closed her eyes and let herself fall slightly against his chest.

"You're still sick. Go back to sleep." Hinata shook her head, she then looked up at him with tired eyes and a flushed red face, her lips pouting up slightly as a few moans and tired breaths escaped her weakened body. Sasuke's sanity was dying out, this girl was moaning while in his arms and he couldn't do anything. Placing an arm under her knee, he lifting her up bridal style and walked back to his room. He placed her on the bed and tucked a blanket over her as she fell asleep. 

The Uchiha buried his face in his hands and took a final glace at the girl before thinking to himself. He was done with that chapter in his life. He had finished that the second the fourth war was over. All that was left now was for him to restore his clan, and now, he knew exactly who he wanted to restored his clan with. He had her, weak and helpless in his grasp. He would train her if she wanted, care for her if she needed and keep her if he could. Though, planning this would mean nothing without asking her first.

Hinata turned in her sleep and moaned lightly, forcing Sasuke's face to flush a bright red. Just one problem... Him picking her up was the most physical contact he had ever had with a woman... This could only end well, right?

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