Of Blushes and Stutters

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The large park just at the west end of the Konoha boundary was empty everyday. Even with the huge spread of water, abundance of trees and clear area, no one seemed to want to visit the sight. Which is what made it so perfect for training every morning. Of course, Sasuke was a genius in the battle field and in academics. But for that, he had to train and train hard. After the war, there had been little reason to fight at all.

Children fresh from the academy were still going out on low ranked missions, priding themselves in such things. But other than that, the village had just been focusing on the repairs and alliances it needed to sustain itself. Naruto was doing a good job, contrary to popular belief, and other than the time he spent annoying his friends or eating; He was signing documents, forging alliances, repairing lives. Maybe he could do the same for himself?

Right after Sakuras confession and quick rejection, the girl had turned bitter towards a lot of things. She'd finally given on the idea of being a Kinochi and stuck to the medical field which she excelled in. She wasn't rude to her patients or her friends; but she did take out all her frustrations on the dumb blonde that was still pinning after her.

Sasuke stepped toward and in, turning with his blade, swinging in deep thought.

Maybe the two would always be like that. Sakura he'd know for a long time. The girl was capable and strong, but her emotions were too out of check. She abused the very person who loved her his whole life and chased a man who could easily take away hers.

"Idiot." He muttered, ducking under a branch before cutting the tree in half.

"E-EEEP!" A girl screamed. Looking around, he saw the faint glimpse of dark blue hair rising and then falling onto the tree. Hinata stood there, arms around her waist as her delicate eyes scanned over Sasuke.

"A-Are you hurt?" She asked, moving over to him, pacing his palm into her own smaller ones. A tree falls in her first thought is to check if everyone else is okay.

She really did always think of others first didn't she? While others charged head first, she stayed behind and helped those in their wake. She'd always bring the salv during missions when others forgot to. Hinata really was that nice. Stupidly enough, it annoyed him. Not just her unpraised kindness, but the feeling of her hands on his. They're soft and warm, cradling his like a mother would her child.

Is this the sort of love and attention Naruto received in his youth? Perhaps not from the rest of the village, but from Hinata. It was weird, really. Naruto had the whole villages hates apart from one woman who cared, but he rejected and didn't notice the love. Now that Sasuke was on the villages hit list, he was able to get a taste of the kindness the Hyuga possessed. And unlike his bimbo friend he was going to cherish it because it was worth so much more than anything Konoha had to offer.

Pulling her hands towards him, the Uchiha landed his back against the cut off stump of the tree and let her fall onto his lap. Pulling her arms closer to him, he wrapped them around his waist and pulled her chest closer to his, keeping her in close for him to snuggle his head into her neck.

Sasuke couldn't quite remember when the last time he felt this relaxed was. Being in his mothers arms was always soothing, but it wasn't like this. This, felt like home. The smell of her and the feeling of her bust pressed against his chest didn't draw his mind away from her as a person, but it enhanced the warm goo that was slowly being poured over his heart, melting it much quicker than he would care to admit. To her, he wouldn't mind admitting it. He'd do a lot for her right now, in thanks for letting him feeling at peace like this.

"U-Um... Sasuke?"

Groaning slightly, he re-adgusting himself to look up at her face. Her cheeks were crimson, just as he'd expected, but there was something he'd never seen before. The Hyuga had finally graced him with one of her famed smiles, so he didn't hold back. Grabbing her face with both hands, Sasuke tilted his head and rested his lips on hers. Slowly, then quickly pulled her closer to him as he licked her lips in want.

The girls body was shuddering at the feeling, hands moving unknowingly across his chest as small moans of pleasure escaped her. For a second, she was glad she was sitting down, there was no way she would be able to stand. His hands roamed down her neck and shoulders, making themselves very at home gripping onto her hips. Parting her lips slowly, the Hyuga mumbled his name under her breath a few times before pulling away all together.

It seemed that it hadn't just affected her, the Uchiha was panting lightly too, and from what she could feel beneath her - She'd affected him in more ways than one.

"Kami, Hinata. What have you done to me?" He asked to himself. The girl was almost about to gain her composer before he clamped his palm over her mouth. Grabbing the girl, Sasuke jumped onto his feet and straight behind one of the trees he hadn't cut down.

"Hinata-chaaaaaaan!~" A voice called, followed by a bark and another call. Recognising the voices of her team mates, Hinata moved Sasuke's hand off of her mouth and looked up at him with saddened eyes.

"I-I was meeting my t-team here for practice..." She explained. Sasuke simply nodded, knowing that if he opened his mouth, it would instinctively leach onto hers without warning. And one thing he didn't want as to be cought shoving his tongue down the Hyuga princesses throat.

The girl kept looking over towards her team mates, almost looking lost as to what to do. Compared to a couple of minutes ago, the feelings he had now, he hated. His whole chest hurt. Like he'd just been betrayed by the sad look on her face.

"Go." He told her, but she stayed put. The Uchiha frowned his brows for a second, waiting for her to leave. When she didn't, he was about to repeat himself, she leaned forward on her tip toes to reach him and placed a kiss softly (much softer than before) on his lips.

"T-Thank you for last n-night..." She said, turning a little red as she walked away. "A-And for the kiss too... B-Bye, Sasuke-kun!"

No, Sasuke didn't believe in fairy tales or the sickeningly sweat romances they held, but he did trust his gut. And his gut was telling him to grab her and keep her. Just watching her run towards her friends and smile almost made him want to prove himself to her, to everyone. Maybe he hadn't been sure before about just why he wanted her so badly.

But now he did know.

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