~Chapter 3~

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I would like to quickly mention that this book has been entered in a writing contest called the 'Urban Fantasy Awards'. It is a really awesome set up and I encourage some people to check it out.

I stared up at the dull, white ceiling. My mind was blank and in all honesty I was exhausted, but that's nothing new. Life is indeed an adventure, one I didn't sign up for. As I looked at the ceiling images flew through my head, the girl, the crowd, the laughter, me. I tried to distract myself by finding shapes in the texture above me. I was relaxed on my bed, sprawled out after a tiring mix of school and people. I wasn't one for interacting with others when it wasn't necessary. I rolled onto my side, looking at the clock on my wall, it was late. I should go to bed, a simple thought that passed through my mind. I was numb all over, physically and mentally. Perhaps tomorrow will be less... exciting. One could only hope.


I guess I should say the morning went well. Other then the my sluggish behavior while getting ready, I made it to the bus stop with little to no trouble. Once again, Ravig decided to join me outside my apartment door and I was to tired to run so I ignored him. He didn't do much besides follow me to the bus stop and wait there till the bus picked me up, exactly like yesterday. It was almost like an overprotective parent.

I dragged myself into the school, staying out of sight as much as possible, trying to make my way through the crowded halls to my locker. It's not like I was avoiding someone in particular, more like I was avoiding everyone, the school body as a whole. I didn't have bullies like some of the misfits or outcasts, but I wasn't really that noticeable either. Actually, I would go as far to say I looked so normal in the school I could pass as invisible. I'm just the crowd, the person who is not at the top, bullying the weak, and the person who is not the bottom, the weak being bullied.

My clothes were always plain, not to fancy nor dull. I didn't wear glasses, my eyesight good, but I always allowed my pitch black hair to fall in front of my eyes, obscuring them enough you couldn't see what color they were. Although if you did see them, they would be a bright eye-catching blue, which is the reason I styled my hair to naturally fall in my face. I didn't want any attention due to the fact I had pretty eyes. It's not like they were so amazing people would just stare, but they could bring a few glances, and I wanted none. My height was like the rest of me, average at 5'ft. 8'in. Nothing to brag about but not short enough to cause problems.

As I walked to my locker the first bell rang loudly, signaling we had five minutes to get to class. I opened it quickly before grabbing stuff out and putting other stuff in; then I slammed it shut. I jogged to class darting around all the others who scrambled to get where they needed to be. I walked into the classroom just in time and sat down in my seat right as the bell sounded, signaling class beginning. I let out a sigh before arranging my things in front of me, getting out stuff I needed. I watched the teacher stand up as he addressed the class and took attendance.

"Let's get started" was all I needed to hear before I zoned out. I glanced over to my side, a couple seats away from the back window seat, her seat. The girl wasn't here, I should have figured.


Periods flew by, something I was very pleased with. The day was easy and relaxing, nothing big happened, just how I liked it. I had three periods before lunch and three periods after. I looked up from my seat in Geography, my third period class, to see we had five minutes before the bell went off for lunch. I glanced up at the teacher, Ms. Clammer, who was smiling as she talked with a student and erased the whiteboard. The class had already finished everything she had planned for today giving us a little extra free time. Ms. Clammer was a young twenty-four year old woman with a bright personality, everyone loved her. Well, except me, she had a creepy as hell thing and I wanted nothing to do with it. It was only natural that I avoided her at all costs.

Now how would I go describing it. I wasn't necessarily creepy looking perhaps, but it was creepy. Her thing was identical, completely identical to her. Every piece of hair, every blemish, every smile, every expression, identical. The only difference was her thing acted more stiff. Ms. Clammer and her thing looked so much alike I have accidentally caught myself talking to her thing or asking it a question instead of her. This is one of the reasons I try to avoid the teacher. Out of the things I have seen, time and time again, her's is ever changing. Every day it comes with a new outfit, matching Ms. Clammer's. It stands straight and tall by the desk everyday, hands clasped in front of it. It smiles continuously, it never moves, it never blinks, it's creepy and disturbing. To tell you truthfully, due to the appearance of her thing, Ms. Clammer herself unnerves me.

My attention was drawn from mindlessly staring at her thing to the bell in the back of the classroom now going off. I grabbed my stuff as I filed out of the room along with the other kids.

Lunch went on, the line slowly trickling forward. Nothing major happened, no big showing. When it was my turn I grabbed a cheeseburger wrapped in foil, disgusting as it was and some fries before walking out of the cafeteria. I never ate there, to many people. I walked into the courtyard by the school and went over to a little grouping of trees. When I reached them I stuffed my cheeseburger in my pocket and bit down on the container of fries, holding it in my teeth. I then ascended the tree, climbing it as high as I could before plopping down on a branch with a huff. I shimmied as close to the trunk as possible and carefully set my fries down making sure not to bump them or else they would spill. I pulled out my cheeseburger and unwrapped it before taking one big bite. I ate my burger in peace and leaned back against the trunk.

I then heard shuffling underneath me and looked down from my crafty hideout in the leaves. Below me was the glasses girl, I thought she wasn't here today? The girl sighed deeply before she sat down on the ground resting her head against the tree. I stayed as quiet as I could and avoided shuffling to mask my presence, from her at least. Her thing knew I was here and it let me know that as well. It wrapped itself around the girls body and it started at me with black eyes, a very small red pupil in the middle.

"Hey!" I heard a yell and I let my gaze shift from the girl upward to see a group of five guys walking toward the her. They stopped only a few feet before where she sat.

"Glasses bitch! I've been lookin' for yu" the group was being lead by the man with froggy eyes and his goblin thing as it cackled hysterically. The other guys I didn't recognize. The man with the goblin cracked his knuckles as a dark grin took place on his face. His eyes where blown psychotically as he peered down at her. His thing squabbled on top of the guys head and beat his small fists on the guys skull like a monkey.

"Let's all have some fun, right girly?" The frog eyed man cackled, his group of cronies joining in.

Nobody noticed me.


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