967 19 13

I guess I like Roman numerals.
All I gotta say rn.

Last Time On The Millennium Earring

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Last Time On The Millennium Earring

"Oh.. I understand.. I'm sorry" Yami apologised.
"Oh no, you don't need to be sorry!" Y/n started
"After all, you have got to learn to face the problem in life and jump over it like it's some annoying rock that's in your way. Well Atleast that's how I faced it.." Y/n finished. Yami just smiled and stood up, putting his Math homework into the backpack he brang.
"Oh well.. I better get going.. it's turning dark and I sure don't wanna get Yugi and my Grandpa worried." Yami smiled at Y/n as she smiled back
"Okay I guess! I'll see you tomorrow at school!" Y/n replied back.

Hours after Yami left, Y/n was lying in bed; thinking about Yami non stop.
Even though Yami and Yugi are twins, Ones shorter, Ones smaller, Ones serious, Ones playful...
Yugi and I share a lot more in common.
But Yami.. I think that love thing is coming back to me.
Yugi is adorable, he's my best friend! But Yami..
Is a whole 'nother story waiting for tomorrow Y/n thought
The h/c girl slowly drifted off to sleep. Waiting for the darkness to overtake her.

ʏȏȗя ƿȏṿ

Mmm! Something smells good!
That was my first thought before I woke up.
I fluttered my eyes open as I slowly sat up to rub one of my eyes, following along that, I yawned quietly.
I got out of bed and stretched, not really caring that my bed needs to be slightly tidied.
I walked out of my room and walked down stairs but very slowly.
I used my instincts to find the source to find someone in the kitchen.
Being being very sleepy, I thought I was seeing 2 people. I saw 2, then 1, then 2, back to 1.
I looked closely and it was... Yami..! Or Yugi.. I couldn't really tell as my vision was playing tricks.
"I guess the sleeping beauty is awake" A deep voice chuckled, noticing my presence. I guess my first guess was right. It was Yami, Because of the deep voice.
My vision became clear as I saw Yami turn his head towards me, smiling.
"Y-Yami..? What are you doing here..?" I yawned "I thought I locked everything up last night.."
"Well I knocked on your door because Yugi somewhat left early without me, I wanted to ask you if you'd come to school to me and found your front door unlocked. When I came inside, you were fast asleep." Yami replied, informing me.
"Oh.." I slightly dragged out, being tired as heck
"I made breakfast for you since I need to thank you for yesterday, for being really..." He suddenly stopped
"...Just wait at the dinner table.. I'll bring breakfast over"
What did I do that was so amazing that he just had to make breakfast for me?
Oh well, I might as well never know
(A/n: And you all wont know either ;))
A few minutes passed as he came over with the food, the Everything.
To be honest, looking at this work of art, I started to stave! Man I guess this is gonna be good.
I cut a little piece of the pancake and nommed on it. 2 seconds later I eventually gobbled that whole piece.
It was a small piece so in no time I got straight onto the bigger pieces.
I heard Yami chuckle as I looked up to him, my mouth full of pancake-lania.
"I guess you like it" He said, looking towards me.
"I never knew my cooking would be liked"

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