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Oof. This will be a short chapter Becuz ME GOT NO IDEAS Ahem anyway, Continue

Last Time On The Millennium Earring

Shizaki falls to her knees
"H..How did I lose.. I never lose!"

"I CANT BELIEVE YAMI WON! AFTER ALL THAT I MEAN!" Joey shouts, unbelievably shocked.
"He's the king of games Joey." Yugi chuckles
Kaiba then Walks off, scoffing.

"A deals a deal. Give me back y/n since I won." Yami walks up to Shizaki almost looking like he was waiting very patiently but now has gone to the point where he can't wait any longer
"So be it.." Shizaki Says As I actually feel myself return to my body. My eyes turning to normal.. but me STILL IN THIS RIDICULOUS outfit.
"That was some intense duel I just witnessed." Y/n says, making sure she was back to normal A curve appeared on her face as she realises the she's back to herself. She gets up, brushing the dust off herself, feeling so.. happy.
Before anyone else could say a thing Y/n gets enclosed with a tight hug from the guy who saved her...
She hug him back and start to tear up. Being so unbelievably happy
Joey then walks up to us, giving Y/n and Yami a head lock
"Glad ta have ya back Y/n!" He Says As The h/c female laughed
'Dear god how much I miss my friends..'
She thought.


Today, was one of those great days.
It's kind of the school holidays [1] and that's why I'm excited.
I get to hang out with a lot of my friend, Like.. Who doesn't like to do that?
Oh, But lemme tell you what the best part is.
You get to sleep in to who know when.
It's even better when you don't have parents nagging your neck to wake up.
Speaking of parents, It's been a few months yet they haven't come back..
Oh well! I shouldn't worry too much and just hope for the best.
I gobble down my cereal; Nutri-grain to be precise.
It's been a couple of months ever since the incident with Shizaki, Boy am I glad though.
I've been kind of under the blues though. I've developed a crush on Yami.. which I think basically 55% Other girls do. Kaiba having 30% Yugi for having 15%
And just to go over 100%, 20% For Aki Koshorai, Joey... All the dudes who are worth it.
But that's not the reason why I feel kind of.. crap right now.
Me and Yami have grown distance ever since the Shizaki incident and I blame myself every night.
I.. wonder if it was me, or the Millennium spirit.
I sigh as I get up, Taking my bowl to the kitchen and washing it.
Funnily enough, while washing my dishes, my phone rings. My ring tone obviously being a familiar Korean, Singing "Like a loser~" [2] Obviously, Because I am a loser ToT
I answered my phone, instantly realising Yugi called
I decided to act cheery and pretend that everything was ok, to be honest, I shouldn't be moping around like this.. over one person..
But I guess.. love is hard.
I answered my phone before my ring tone would make me crack up once more. If I listen to random stuff for too long, I'd start bursting out into fits of laughter, eventually, having giggle fits.
"Heya Yugista! Howz mah lil pandibear goin?" I ask, being enthusiastic
"Oh! Haha nothing much! Say, I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out some time?
L-Like I think the movies would be great! We could totally watch that new Star Wars movie, That is.. if you're interested" Yugi shyly asked me As he chuckled, trying to laugh away the awkwardness he shared from his shyness.
Wait. Did Yugi just ask me out or something?
"Actually, Yami thought we should watch it, And to be honest, I thought that bringing you along would be nice! Heh, everyone else is busy.." Yugi rambles on
Ok maybe I had was slightly off. I mean Sure, Yami thought about which movie to watch but Yugi Asking me to come as well is a whole lot cuter. I kind of think of Yugi as a friend but I just can't pass up an opportunity with Yug' sounding so adorable
"Sure! I'd love to come! What time though?" I asked, looking at the clock
1:28 Pm.
Man how much I love to sleep in!
"Hm. The movie starts at 6 pm so I'd say.. Me and Yamz will pick you up at 4:15. Just wandering around the mall before the movie starts I guess!" Yugi Says As I can imagine him smiling adorably.
"Heh, doesn't sound like a bad enough time! I'll be done before you know it!" I say, already thinking about how this day would turn out
"Then I guess it's settled! See you at 4:15!" Yugi Says As I heard Yami shouting at Yugi As He Laughs. I could barely make out what he said "YUGI DO I HAVE TO WEAR THIS?!" Yugi then hangs up before I could hear anything else.
I squealed excitedly, Maybe.. Just maybe... Me and Yami could talk to each other again and stop ignoring each other..
I hummed to My f/s (Favourite Song) As I scrounged around something decent to wear.

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