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I also want to mention this chapter will mainly be focusing on You, the new kids and slightly Joey.
Sorry about there not being much Yami TT I feel kinda bad.

I'd say my 2018 would be AMAZING if the same annoying guy from my class in 2017 wasn't in my class AGAIN  TT HE EVEN ONCE GOT ME SENT HOME FOR BEING A JERKKKK TT okay sorry about me complaining, Let's get along with the story! Jee I'm excited to w...

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I'd say my 2018 would be AMAZING if the same annoying guy from my class in 2017 wasn't in my class AGAIN TT HE EVEN ONCE GOT ME SENT HOME FOR BEING A JERKKKK TT okay sorry about me complaining, Let's get along with the story! Jee I'm excited to write this, I'm never usually this excited to write stories or this into writing anything o.o Okay I'll stop. SORRY!

Last Time On The Millennium Earring.

She decided to break her and Yami's silence with a good ol' "Well that was amazing! Wasn't it?" She had asked. She looked towards Yami to see him somewhat lost in his thoughts, but before Y/n could say anything else, he looks at her with a smile, nodding.
She had smiled back and looked around, looking at the sky to see the stars twinkling in the dark ocean that's above them.
"Wow.. we completely lost track of time.. didnt we?" She says.. still adoring the stars and how beautiful they are
While Y/n was daydreaming, she feels a tug on her sleeve, before I could shout "LET GO OF ME!" In case it was some creepy pervert, she hears the deep voice of the guy who she had unbelievably trust the most
"C'mon Y/n" He says "Let's go home"
She look at him and smile even more.

'God I'm such an idiot.' She thought

"Class, We have three new students, Would you please introduce yourselves to the class?" Asks Miss Hitori, Our homeroom teacher.
I instantly shot up from my desk, I was still very tired from last night, I heard Yugi chuckle from behind me as I blush in embarrassment.
"Shaddup" I whisper (Me: *goes back to the previous chapter cuz I forgot the name*
"Heya! I'm Akihiko Ojīan!" Says a small, cute familiar voice, I look Infront of me, being shocked as heck. That band from last night attends this school? Well now is?! Woahhh technology.
"And I'm Aoi Yuukita! Who is a few minutes older than this fellow even though we are not related what so ever." Aoi Smirks
"HEY! YOU DONT KNOW THAT FOR SURE!" Akihiko shout-Whispers back.
Then there's the older one, Who seems to just be somewhat..
Chill. Having his hands in his pockets.
"And I'm Koshorai Yuukita." He sighs "The Mature one, Some people call me Garry for some reason even though I don't have a clue about who Garry is, So you can call me Garry if you'd like" He Smiles slightly
(Me: When you find out who Garry is .w.)
"That's nice of you three, Now Akihiko, I want you to sit next to Y/n L/n, Y/n Please raise your hand" I raise my hand as Akihiko's eyes dart towards mine.
"Ooo, Aki is sitting next to a girl~!" Aoi Smirks, nudging him with her arm
"Shaddap" Akihiko Whispers "It's not like I haven't sat next to you before." He then walks to the empty seat besides me as I look at him, he notices me, smiles and gives me a small wave.
"Aoi, You will sit next to Joseph Wheeler. Joey, Please raise your hand" Joey raises his hand as Akihiko smirks and whispers "Ha, look at you. Sitting next to a boy" As I also hear  "immature" From Kosho- I'll just call him Garry, it's simpler. Ahem.. From Garry as he shakes his head in disappointment.
I swear I heard Joey say something, Something like "Ehehehehehe, She's sittin' nex ta me!" Or something like that.
"And Koshorai.. You can sit next to me~" Says the teacher, Like wtf? I mean yeah she's like the youngest teacher here but that just goes WAY over board...
"Ahem, I make my own decisions. I will sit next to serious star boy over there. Not calm star boy" He points towards the empty seat next to Yami. I understand why Garry called him a Star boy, because of his hair.
I looked at everyone else and they are disgusted with that teacher, I hope she's fired one day. She does this to all the new students that seem to be boys and that are "Cute" Or "Hot" To her.
I then hear someone whisper
"Does she do that to all the students?" I look to see Akihiko whispering to me
"Yea, it's kind of old and disgusting, You should be glad she didn't say anything to you. Us students are trying to find some way to get her fired. Just because of how much a pedophile she is." I say
"Oh... Leave it to me, You can see her gone by tomorrow!' Akihiko Smiles, winks at me, also giving me a thumbs up. I raise one of my eyebrows in confusion but I shrug it off
*At Interval*
"And that's why I don't like any artists work and why I don't like going to any sort of art museum" Garry said to almost everyone but Yami, he just seems to be lost in his thoughts.. again.
"Yami! Cut it out! You should wake up inside and feel the flow!" (Please don't kill me for that reference.. or two ;))
"Feel the flow? Where did you get that from?" Yami Asked with the look of actual curiousity.
"E-Eh... You know what? N-Nevermind.." I stutter like an idiot for no reason.
I then somewhat walk away from the gang without even knowing, Like Yami, I was lost in my thoughts.
I hear someone behind me call out to me, and feel their presence follow me.
"Hey! Y/n! Are you awake? Stop sleep walking!" Says a familiar female that I know
"You know, it would be best not to distract her, she could be in deep thoughts of something important" Says a familiar male that I know kind of well.. Akihiko?
If that's Akihiko then that's Ao-
"Ack! I swear this is the final time I will bump into someone! I'm sorry!" I say before I could get a 'Watch where you're going' or something unreasonably rude.
"Don't say anything else" Says a familiar emotionless dude. Did I bump into HIM AGAIN?!
I look up to see the same familiar ocean blue eyes
"This is the second time you have bumped into me this week, And you think I will allow you to get away with this?!" I keep quiet, knowing not to mess with Kaiba.
"Tch, Maybe I should let you off this time, but would YOU ever learn? You are just some human with no talent or skill whatsoever." Kaiba looks the other way but before walking off, I hear a voice call out, I hope they know what they're getting into
"Hey, That isn't nice to say. I know who you are Kaiba and I won't allow you to get away with that!" Akihiko tells Kaiba I then look at Kaiba and see Aoi nudge Kaiba with a mischievous grin
"Especially you not being nice to a girl, Do you like her or something. Oh but who would ever know, Mr Kaiba doesn't share his little wittle emotions." Kaiba then looks at Aoi with true shock
"It's Nothing like that! Why would you think something so stupid?" Kaiba retorts
"Oh well, I'm sorry. Cmon, Akihiko, Y/n. Let's not stick around with Kaiba. The one who doesn't know how to handle true love." Aoi Drags us up stairs, I think heading towards the rooftop.
"Wh-What was that about?!" I ask, slightly shouting but not too loud
"We never really liked Kaiba, it's called Sour talk." Aoi Says As Akihiko nods
"I envy him."
"Don't worry, We all do" Says another almost emotionless voice but isn't so emotionless, I turn around to see Garry
"You know Y/n, You somewhat interest me. I don't understand why but I will once we duel!" Garry challenges and throws up a small gadget into a sky as it slowly transforms into a duel disk, The duel disk equips onto Garry as Garry shoved the chosen deck of his into the slot.
(It looks like dis but dark grey, I love getting random images from google cx)

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