Ch.6 The Hot Springs Adventure

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Kotori:Hot Springs?

Y/N:Yeah Yoshino and the others wanted to check it out sometime today.

Kotori:Oh,that's ok.It sounds kinda fun actually.And meanwhile we want Spirits to make discoveries and think for themselves so i'll make the arrangements.Hmm....besides,we want them happy,right?


Kotori:So where are you going?

Y/N:Probably Tengu Paradise if it's cool with you.

Kyouhei:Yes that's great one!Hey,listen.You should join them!Give yourself a break.I can take care of everything for you here. must think i'm crazy.

Kyouhei:I absolutely do not!I think you're working too hard and we can't function if our commander were exhausted!Do us all a favor?Go to the hot springs.

Kotori:What are you really after?

Kyouhei:Why nothing at all!I have no desire to install surveillance cameras so I can stare through the lenses and peek at every single inch of the commander's body young and growing body!

Y/N:And i'm gonna go now,bye.

I hung up as I took a deep breath.


I turned around to see Shido at the door.

Shido:Hurry up!Reine's got everything ready!

Y/N:Give me minute!

I walked towards the door and pulled out my phone again.


AST Member A:Listen Up!The Captain has accepted our invitation!

AST Members:Yeah!Hot springs and bath!

Origami:I do not approve.

AST Members:Huh?

Origami:This is the time you could be using towards training,add power to the team.

AST Member B:It's just one day.

My phone began to ring as I got a drink from the vending machine.I looked and saw it was Y/N as I immediately picked up.

Origami:Hello Y/N.

Y/N:Hey Origami,can I return the book I borrowed tomorrow?Something came up.

Origami:Of course.That's fine but why?

Y/N:I'm going to a hot spring.

Yoshinon:Hey Y/N!How long are you gonna stand there on the phone!Hurry up,Hot Springs awaits!Ahahahaha!

I couldn't help but get extremely angry as I started crushing the can of my drink until it bursted open due to my excessive force.

Y/N:Alright,alright!I'm coming.I'll talk to you later Origami.

AST Members:Whoa!She's mad!



Tohka:Oh wow!This is so neat!

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