Ch.13 Countdown Pt.2

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Kyouhei:Sorry about last night.Clearly,I did more harm than good by showing you that footage.

Y/N:Don't be sorry.Thanks to you,I was able to see a little of my past that I can't remember.And with that mysterious figure,we'll have to worry about it later.

Kyouhei:Understood.We're ready to help anytime you need it.So,have faith in yourself today.I have to say,i've never seen a more talented playboy.No Spirit stands a chance against your charm.

Y/N:Thanks Kyouhei. Reine,where's Kotori?

Reine:Kotori has just been sent to the ground.She should be arriving very soon.You got this.

Y/N:Copy that.

I put my hand away from my earpiece as I noticed Kotori walking up to me.

Y/N:Hey,how've you been?

Kotori:Alright,sorry for the wait.

Y/N:It was nothing.Love your outfit by the way.

Kotori turned slightly red.


Y/N:Then shall we be off?



I looked over and Tohka, Yoshino, and Shido appeared.


Yoshinon:We're gonna have so much fun!

I leaned over to Shido and whispered to him.

Y/N:Hey,why are you guys here?

Shido:Reine's idea.She said something about it being a better plan in the long run.

Kotori:So,a group date,huh?I love surprises.How very brave.I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Tohka:Shido,look!I brought the swimsuit from yesterday,the one you loved so much!

Yoshino:I brought mine too

Kotori gave me a defiant look.

Kotori:Hmph,you all went swimsuit shopping.How sweet.


We all stood in the middle of Ocean Park.

Tohka:Whoooa!This is so amazing!I can't believe they actually have a mountain and a lake inside the building!

Yoshino:There's a lot of water here.

Yoshinon:This is exciting!I can't wait to swim!

Tohka:Look!Another wave!Can we go swimming on that one,please?!

Shido:Sure,but stay close.

Tohka:Yes!Thank you!Let's go Yoshino!


Tohka:You too, Shido!

Tohka grabbed Shido and pulled him towards her.

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