Chapter 6: Raging Waters

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I lay on my bed, eyes closed for quite some time now, not able to fall asleep. It's impossible to, knowing what happened last night. I sit up, reading the clock. It's barely 7 in the morning. I doubt anyone is awake. I get up, making my way to the kitchen to see Daniel rummaging through the fridge.

"You're up early," he looks at me, taking out a carton of milk. "Since you're here, want some cereal?"

I nod, grabbing myself a spoon and a bowl. I pour a decent portion of the Frosted Flakes in my bowl as Daniel does the same with the milk.

"Couldn't sleep yesterday huh?" Daniel says.

"Yeah, I got into a stupid argument with Zach," I say, not even realizing what slipped out of my mouth. "In a dream," I quickly add.


"What's your excuse?" I ask him.

"This is when I normally wake up," he tells me, chucking down a spoonful of cereal. "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. We're going on a short road trip today."

"Oh," I say with my head down. The flashback of last night haunts me as my body fidgets uncomfortably. "To where?"

"You'll see," Daniel grins. "Pack your things! We're leaving soon. While you're up there can you wake up the rest?"

"Um-yeah-sure," I say, clumsily climbing up the stairs. Before I reach the top, I ran into Jonah, Corbyn, and Jack. "Oh-hey," I murmur.

"H-hey," they all reply tired and grouchy as they pass me through the stairs to the kitchen I assume. Guess that leaves me with Zach. Once I reach the other end of the stairs, I find Zach standing just a few feet away from me, speaking of the devil. An awkward silence fills the room.

"Um-Daniel wanted me to tell you that we're leaving soon," I speak up.

He sniffs his nose, giving me a quick nod. His eyes glow a light shade of red, and his hair all messy and sloppy. On the sides of his cheeks, marks of tear stain plaster on his face. This is so unlike him. "Tell him to wait," Zach grunts before slamming the door behind him. He probably caught me staring.

I walk into my room, packing all things I had since the day I moved in, into a small worn out backpack. I strap the black bag on my shoulders as I make my way down to the living room.

"Kristen?" I hear Jonah's voice.

"Yeah," I yell back.

"Garage," he tells me. I walk out the doors to where Jonah called from. "Yeah?" I say in a form of a question.

"Just checking to see if you were ready," Jonah asks me.

"Oh, yeah. By the way, Zach isn't coming down for awhile," I tell Jonah, handing him my backpack.

He takes it from my hand and almost loses his balance. "Woah, what's in here? Bricks?" he chuckles, tossing it into the trunk.

I shrug. "Just the important stuff I need,"

"Do you really need all of that? We're just going to raging water for like an hour or two." Daniel chimes in from the other side of the car window.

I raise an eyebrow. "Raging waters? As in the water park?" I ask to clarify. They all nod their heads. "Oh," I say. I'm so confused. Why hasn't Zach called me out yet?

"Where did you think we were going?" Jonah asks me. I shrug, keeping my mouth zipped. I get in the car, sitting and waiting in my usual seat for Zach. We all wait in the small van for another half an hour before making our way out the driveway.

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