Chap 11: Farewell Boys

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Today was like any other day. For the past two weeks, Jonah, Corbyn, Jack, Daniel, and Zach all went out to the studio, writing music while I stayed home with a babysitter. Around the afternoon or so, Jonah and Corbyn came back.

"Why are you guys home so soon?" I question them.

"We already recorded our parts," Jonah tells me, putting down his set of his keys. "And now we're here. What about you, how's your day?"

I shrug. "Same as always. Lame and boring."

"What do you mean by that?" Corbyn asks me, and I respond by giving another shrug. "Would a burger and a cup soda cheer you up?"

"Meh, but I mean if you insist,"

They let out a small chuckle, before walking out to the car. We arrive at a nearby In-N-Out Burger, to grab a bite.

"I'll have a cheeseburger with grilled onions, regular fries, and a small soda. Thanks," I order as I head to an empty table. A few moments passed before my order came. I take a bite of it, savoring the taste.

"You must be starving," Jonah says with a mouth full of food.

"So do you," I reply back. "What are we doing after this?"

"I don't know. Movies?" Corbyn says.

"Normally I would disagree but since there's food, why not?" I half smile in return. We ended up watching Insidious. The movie itself was fine but the screams from Corbyn and Jonah are terrifying. "Shush!" I loudly whisper. "I had a better time with Jack and Aspen than the both of you,"

"That's harsh," Jonah speaks, putting his hand on his chest, but I could barely see through the darkness of the theatre.

"Will you both shut up, there are twenty-four more minutes left of the movie. So do us all a favor and dial it down. Also get us some more popcorn." Corbyn cuts in.

I scoff, getting out of my seat to refill the tub of popcorn. "Can I get a refill and a cup for a large Icee?" I ask the cashier. He nods, handing back a cup and a filled bucket of freshly popped popcorn. I hand over a five dollar bill and head over to the machines to fill up the Icee. After I was done, I turn around, colliding with another figure.

"Ugh, watch where your go-you again?" Aspen practically screams at the top of her lungs. "What the fuck, are you blind? You owe me a hundred bucks for this dress!" Aspen yells, referring to the Icee that's spilled all over her outfit.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I swear I just turned away and-"

"Save it. I had enough of you. You're gonna regret messing with me." she says.

I give her a disgusted look. "Are you serious? I said I was sorry."

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it,"

"And what's the big deal anyways, your rich daddy can buy you a new dress while I, on the other hand, is Iceless."

Aspen sneers, strutting in the other direction. I sigh, doing the same. When I come back, the movie is over.

"What took you so long?" Jonah asks in a concerned voice.

"I-um-there was a long line," I lie, not wanting them to know what happened recently. "This is a random question, but um, what are your thoughts on Aspen?"

"She is-um well she's a-"

"She's a snake," Jonah blurts out, and Corbyn slaps him in the arm. "Hey! What was that for, you agree with me too."

"Yeah, but I wouldn't describe her in that way..."

I bite my lower lip. "Got it," I murmur. We arrive home and I stomp up the stairs to my room. I reach into my backpack to search for my phone, but nothing appeared. Ugh, must have left it in the car. I sadly slide down the flight of stairs.

"We must discuss about Kristen," a deep voice says from the living room.

"What about her?" Daniel asks, or at least I think it is.

"You know the agreement boys. We only adopted Kristen for publicity, not for drama with my daughter."

I can't believe their manager would say something like that. Sure I criticized her a few times, and we don't exactly get along, but it is not like I did anything too extreme that she can't handle.

The manager clears his throat before speaking, "I hate to say this but we have to let her go. End of discussion. If she is not gone by tomorrow night, I'll drop you. Good day boys."

The room falls silent; I didn't know what to think. I softly creep back to my room and pack my stuff. I didn't bother to say goodbye in person because I know it will bring me pain. I will never find a family willing to take me in. I grab one of my sketch pads and rip out a blank sheet, writing a few words that come to mind.

Dear Jack, Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, and Zach,

There's no easy way of saying this, but I'm gone. I overheard your conversation with your manager. No hard feelings guys, I'm alright. We had a fun four weeks together...sort of. That's more than average. Also, don't bother to look for me. It's better for all of us that I'm out of the picture.

P.S. Good luck with your upcoming album.

Sincerely, Kristen

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